Installing DataPlane
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Configure Knox SSO for DataPlane

This topic provides an overview of how to configure Knox SSO in your cluster to work with DataPlane. Refer to the Hortonworks Data Platform or Hortonworks DataFlow documentation for details that might be applicable to your specific cluster configuration and setup.

As part of configuring Knox SSO to work with DataPlane, you will be setting up Knox topologies for token exchanges to allow your DP instance to communicate and handle SSO requests. It is strongly recommended that in your cluster, you configure Ranger to restrict access to these token topologies to be only from your DP instance. See Configure Ranger in your Cluster section for more information.
  • You will be configuring Knox SSO in your cluster to work with your DP instance.
  • You must have installed and configured DataPlane.
  • Minimally, Knox SSO should be configured for Ambari.
    If you are using Ambari 2.7 or later, Ambari provides a helper “setup-sso” command to simplify the setup of Knox SSO for Ambari and certain cluster services. Refer to the Ambari Security Guide for more information.
  • Knox host FQDN must be DNS addressable and available from your DataPlane environment. If your Knox configuration is setup for High Availability (HA) with more than one Knox instance running behind a proxy, the FQDN/IP of that proxy must be DNS addressable and available from your DataPlane environment.

    If it is not, the Knox IP address must be in the /etc/hosts file on the DP environment. Refer to the DP Administration Guidefor details on how to add Knox to the DataPlane environment hosts.

  • You must have an SSL certificate (such as a .pem file) available and have access to the public key in the file.
  1. In a terminal, SSH to the DP host.
  2. Navigate to $DP_INSTALL_HOME/certs/.
    cd /usr/dp/current/core/bin/certs/
  3. Display the content of the ssl-cert.pem file.
    cat ssl-cert.pem
  4. Copy and retain the DataPlane public key displayed in the certificate between “Begin Certificate” and “End Certificate”, because you need it in a succeeding step.

    The public key looks similar to the following:



    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

  5. On your cluster Knox host, create three topology files - token.xml, redirect.xml, and redirecttoken.xml topology files.
    vi /etc/knox/conf/topologies/token.xml
    vi /etc/knox/conf/topologies/redirect.xml
    vi /etc/knox/conf/topologies/redirecttoken.xml
    The redirecttoken.xml topology file should be exactly same as the token.xml topology file. For security purposes, the TTL of the token should be kept very low. It is recommended to keep the value at 10 seconds.
  6. Add the required content to the token.xml file on each cluster host running a Knox instance:
    1. Add the basic topology content.

      You can copy and paste the following content into the file and modify the content as needed.

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      Provide the following details in the topology file:

      Property Values Description
      sso.token.verification.pem Certificate Paste in the public key value that you copied in a previous step, replacing $ADD_THE_PUBLIC_KEY_HERE (be sure to exclude the BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE text).
      knox.token.ttl milliseconds Expiry time of the token. A value of -1 means no expiry. For security purposes, the TTL of the token should be kept very low. It is recommended to keep the value at 10 seconds (10000).
      sso.authentication.provider.url Knox SSO URL The URL to your cluster Knox SSO endpoint. Replace $KNOX_HOSTNAME_FQDN with the fully qualified domain name of the host.
      identity-assertion true | false Enables the “HadoopGroupProvider” Hadoop user-group mapping, which identifies the groups to which users belong
      The authorization=XASecurePDPKnox parameter and main.ldapRealm.authorizationEnabled=true parameter enable Ranger authorization with the token topologies in Knox.
  7. Add the required content to the redirect.xml file on each cluster host running a Knox instance:
    1. Add the basic topology content.
    2. You can copy and paste the following content into the files and modify the content as needed.

    Provide the following details in the topology file:

    Property Values Description true | false This sets if a session cookie is require or not. If your cluster Ambari is configured for SSL, then set this value to true. Otherwise, set to false.This value is true if the secure cookie is required.
    knox.token.ttl milliseconds Expiry time of the token. A value of -1 means no expiry.
    knoxsso.redirect.whitelist.regex regex This should have the regex which matches the URL in the to or original Url query parameter for the two separate calls. Be sure to replace “DOMAIN_OF_CLUSTER” in the example regex provided.
  8. Verify that Knox has picked up the files:
    1. Log in to the Knox-enabled node.
    2. Ensure that a directory called token.topo.<number> is present in the path /var/lib/knox/data-<version>/deployments/.
      If the files are not present, verify that the content in the token.xml file is correct. You can check the Knox gateway logs for error information.