Hortonworks Docs
Also available as:
Hortonworks Cybersecurity Platform
Hortonworks Cybersecurity Platform Information Roadmap
Introduction to Hortonworks Cybersecurity Platform
Preparing to Install
Operating System Requirements
Browser Requirements
Infrastructure Requirements
Software Requirements
Memory Requirements
Maximum Open File Descriptors
Installing HCP on an Ambari-Managed Cluster Using Ambari
Prerequisites for an Existing Cluster
Specifications for Hadoop Cluster
Specifications for Metron Nodes
Set up the REST Application Database
Install HCP on an Ambari Cluster
Install HCP Ambari Management Pack
Install Solr
Start the Ambari Server
Install, Configure, and Deploy a HDP Cluster with HCP
Launch the Metron Dashboard
Switch Your Indexing Tool
Import Apache Zeppelin Notebook Using Ambari
Streaming Data into HCP
Create a NiFi Flow to Stream Events to HCP
Verify That HCP Deployed Successfully for Ambari Install
Launch HCP Management Module User Interface
Optimization Guidelines
Enable Kerberos
Checklist: Installing and Configuring the KDC
Optional: Install a new MIT KDC
Optional: Use an Existing IPA
Install the JCE for Kerberos
Launch the Kerberos Wizard (Automated Setup)
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Document licensed under the
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