POST ddl
Performs an HCatalog DDL command. The command is executed immediately upon request. Responses are limited to 1MB. For requests which may return longer results consider using the Hive resource as an alternative.
Name | Description | Required? | Default |
exec | The HCatalog ddl string to execute | Required | None |
group | The user group to use when creating a table | Optional | None |
permissions | The permissions string to use when creating a table. The format is "rwxrw-r-x". | Optional | None |
Name | Description |
stdout | A string containing the result HCatalog sent to standard out (possibly empty). |
stderr | A string containing the result HCatalog sent to standard error (possibly empty). |
exitcode | The exitcode HCatalog returned. |
Curl Command
% curl -s -d \ -d 'exec=show tables;' \ 'http://localhost:50111/templeton/v1/ddl'
JSON Output
{ "stdout": "important_table my_other_table my_table my_table_2 pokes ", "stderr": "WARNING: org.apache.hadoop.metrics.jvm.EventCounter is deprecated... Hive history file=/tmp/ctdean/hive_job_log_ctdean_201111111258_2117356679.txt OK Time taken: 1.202 seconds ", "exitcode": 0 }
JSON Output (error)
{ "stdout": "", "stderr": "WARNING: org.apache.hadoop.metrics.jvm.EventCounter is deprecated... Hive history file=/tmp/ctdean/hive_job_log_ctdean_201204051246_689834593.txt FAILED: Parse Error: line 1:5 Failed to recognize predicate 'tab'... ", "exitcode": 11 }