DELETE queue/:jobid
Kill a job given its job ID. Substitute ":jobid" with the job ID received when the job was created.
Name | Description | Required? | Default |
:jobid | The job ID to delete. This is the ID received when the job job was created. | Required | None |
Name | Description |
status | A JSON object containing the job status information. See the Hadoop documentation (Class JobStatus) for more information. |
profile | A JSON object containing the job profile information. See the Hadoop documentation (Class JobProfile) for more information. |
id | The job ID. |
parentId | The parent job ID. |
percentComplete | The job completion percentage, for example "75% complete". |
exitValue | The job's exit value. |
user | User name of the job creator. |
callback | The callback URL, if any. |
completed | A string representing completed status, for example "done". |
Curl Command
% curl -s -X DELETE 'http://localhost:50111/templeton/v1/queue/job_201111111311_0009?'
JSON Output
{ "status": { "startTime": 1321047216471, "username": "ctdean", "jobID": { "jtIdentifier": "201111111311", "id": 9 }, "jobACLs": { }, "schedulingInfo": "NA", "failureInfo": "NA", "jobId": "job_201111111311_0009", "jobPriority": "NORMAL", "runState": 1, "jobComplete": false }, "profile": { "url": "http://localhost:50030/jobdetails.jsp?jobid=job_201111111311_0009", "user": "ctdean", "jobID": { "jtIdentifier": "201111111311", "id": 9 }, "queueName": "default", "jobFile": "hdfs://localhost:9000/tmp/hadoop-ctdean/mapred/staging/ctdean/.staging/job_201111111311_0009/job.xml", "jobName": "streamjob3322518350676530377.jar", "jobId": "job_201111111311_0009" } "id": "job_201111111311_0009", "parentId": "job_201111111311_0008", "percentComplete": "10% complete", "exitValue": 0, "user": "ctdean", "callback": null, "completed": "false" }
Note: The job is not immediately deleted, therefore the information returned may not reflect deletion, as in our example. Use GET queue/:jobid to monitor the job and confirm that it is eventually deleted.