
POST pig


Create and queue a Pig job.




execute String containing an entire, short pig program to run. One of either "execcute" or "file" is required None
file HDFS file name of a pig program to run. One of either "exec" or "file" is required None
arg Set a program argument. Optional None
files Comma separated files to be copied to the map reduce cluster Optional None
statusdir A directory where Templeton will write the status of the Pig job. If provided, it is the caller's responsibility to remove this directory when done. Optional None
callback Define a URL to be called upon job completion. You may embed a specific job ID into this URL using $jobId. This tag will be replaced in the callback URL with this job's job ID. Optional None


id A string containing the job ID similar to "job_201110132141_0001".
info A JSON object containing the information returned when the job was queued. See the Hadoop documentation (Class TaskController) for more information.


Code and Data Setup

% cat id.pig
A = load 'passwd' using PigStorage(':');
B = foreach A generate $0 as id;
dump B;

% cat fake-passwd
ctdean:Chris Dean:secret
pauls:Paul Stolorz:good
carmas:Carlos Armas:evil
dra:Deirdre McClure:marvelous

% hadoop fs -put id.pig .
% hadoop fs -put fake-passwd passwd

Curl Command

% curl -s -d user.name=ctdean \
       -d file=id.pig \
       -d arg=-v \

JSON Output

 "id": "job_201111101627_0018",
 "info": {
          "stdout": "templeton-job-id:job_201111101627_0018
          "stderr": "",
          "exitcode": 0