1. Getting Ready to Upgrade

To prepare for upgrade, you must:

  • Identify your existing cluster layout. Copy the clusterproperties.txt file from one of the nodes in the cluster. The cluster properties file is located at $HDP-install-directory/cluster.properties.

  • Confirm that the Uninstallation packages are available on each node in the cluster. The uninstallation package is in C:\HadoopInstallFiles. Without these packages, the Uninstaller cannot remove the HDP 1.3 packages on each node.

  • Identify where user data and metadata is being stored by HDFS and MapReduce. These directories are retained during the upgrade process.

  • Identify the location of new service components to be installed as part of HDP 2.0. The new serivce components offered in HDP 2.0 are HBase, ZooKeeper, Mahout, and Flume. Note where these new service components will be installed in the set of nodes available in this cluster. You will use this information to define the clusterproperties.txt for the HDP 2.0 install.


During upgrade all HDP services are offline. No new jobs or data read/writes are serviced.

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