Batch Profiler Properties

Use the batch profiler properties to configure the batch profiler.

By default, the configuration for the batch profiler is stored in the local filesystem at $METRON_HOME/config/ Refer to the Spark documentation for information about Spark properties you can include in the batch profiler properties file.
Table 1. Profiler Properties
Settings. Description
profiler.batch.input.path The path to the input data read by the Batch Profiler. Default: hdfs://localhost:9000/apps/metron/indexing/indexed/*/*
profiler.batch.input.format The format of the input data read by the Batch Profiler. Default: text
profiler.batch.input.begin Only messages with a timestamp after this will be profiled. Default: undefined; no time constraint
profiler.batch.input.end Only messages with a timestamp before this will be profiled. Default: undefined; no time constraint
profiler.period.duration The duration of each profile period. Default: 15
profiler.period.duration.units The units used to specify the profiler.period.duration. Default: MINUTES
profiler.hbase.salt.divisor A salt is prepended to the row key to help prevent hot-spotting. Default: 1000
profiler.hbase.table The name of the HBase table that profiles are written to. Default: profiler The column family used to store profiles. Default: P