Stream Enrichment Information

Streaming enrichment information is useful when you need enrichment information in real time. This type of information is most useful in real time as opposed to waiting for a bulk load of the enrichment information. You incorporate streaming intelligence feeds slightly differently than when you use bulk loading. The enrichment information resides in its own parser topology instead of in an extraction configuration file. The parser file defines the input structure and how that data is used in enrichment. Streaming information goes to Apache HBase rather than to Apache Kafka, so you must configure the writer by using both the writerClassName and simple HBase enrichment writer (shew) parameters.

  1. Define a parser topology in $METRON_HOME/zookeeper/parsers/user.json:
    touch $METRON_HOME/config/zookeeper/parsers/user.json
  2. Populate the file with the parser topology definition.
    For example, the following commands associate IP addresses with user names for the Squid information.
     "parserClassName" : "org.apache.metron.parsers.csv.CSVParser"
     ,"writerClassName" : "org.apache.metron.enrichment.writer.SimpleHbaseEnrichmentWriter"
        "shew.table" : "enrichment"
       ,"" : "t"
       ,"shew.keyColumns" : "ip"
       ,"shew.enrichmentType" : "user"
       ,"columns" : {
          "user" : 0
         ,"ip" : 1

    The parser name.


    The writer destination. For streaming parsers, the destination is SimpleHbaseEnrichmentWriter.


    Name of the sensor topic.


    The simple HBase enrichment writer (shew) table to which you want to write.

    The simple HBase enrichment writer (shew) column family.


    The simple HBase enrichment writer (shew) key.


    The simple HBase enrichment writer (shew) enrichment type.


    The CSV parser information. In this example, the user name and IP address.

    This file fully defines the input structure and how that data can be used in enrichment.
  3. Push the configuration file to Apache ZooKeeper:
    1. Create a Kafka topic sized to manage your estimated data flow:
      /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --create --zookeeper $ZOOKEEPER_HOST:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic user
      Push the configuration file to ZooKeeper:
      $METRON_HOME/bin/ -m PUSH -z $ZOOKEEPER_HOST:2181 -i $METRON_HOME/zookeeper
  4. Start the user parser topology:
    $METRON_HOME/bin/ -s user -z $ZOOKEEPER_HOST:2181 -k $KAKFA_HOST:6667
    The parser topology listens for data streaming in and pushes the data to HBase. Data is flowing into the HBase table, but you must ensure that the enrichment topology can be used to enrich the data flowing past.
  5. Edit the new data source enrichment configuration at $METRON_HOME/config/zookeeper/enrichments/squid to associate the ip_src_addr with the user name:
      "enrichment" : {
        "fieldMap" : {
          "hbaseEnrichment" : [ "ip_src_addr" ]
        "fieldToTypeMap" : {
          "ip_src_addr" : [ "user" ]
        "config" : { }
      "threatIntel" : {
        "fieldMap" : { },
        "fieldToTypeMap" : { },
        "config" : { },
        "triageConfig" : {
          "riskLevelRules" : { },
          "aggregator" : "MAX",
          "aggregationConfig" : { }
      "configuration" : { }
  6. Push the new data source enrichment configuration to ZooKeeper:
    $METRON_HOME/bin/ -m PUSH -z $ZOOKEEPER_HOST:2181 -i $METRON_HOME/zookeeper