Storm Tuning

There are several Storm properties you can adjust to tune your Storm topologies. Achieving the desired performance can be iterative and will take some trial and error.

Hortonworks recommends you start your tuning with the Storm topology defaults and smaller numbers in terms of parallelism. Then you can iteratively increase the values until you achieve your desired level of performance. Use the offset lag tool to verify your settings.

The following sections assume log type messages. However, if your data consists of emails which are much larger in size, then you should adjust your values accordingly.

Kafka Spouts

The Kafka spouts value is the number of threads in Storm that will read from a Kafka topic. It is important to match the number of spouts with the number of partitions. If there are less consumer threads than Kafka spouts, the Storm topology may not be able to keep up with incoming events. If there are more consumer threads than required, they will often stay idle while still consuming resources. This is important because Kafka has certain ordering guarantees for message delivery per partition that would not be possible if more than one consumer in a given consumer group is able to read from that partition.

You can modify the following spout settings in the spout-config.json file. However, if the spout default settings work for your system, you can omit these settings from the file. These default settings are based on recommendations from Storm and are provided in the Kafka spout itself.

    "spout.pollTimeoutMs" : 200,
    "spout.maxUncommittedOffsets" : 10000000,
    "spout.offsetCommitPeriodMs" : 30000

Storm Topology Parallelism

To provide a uniform distribution to each machine and jvm process, you can modify the values for the number of tasks, executors, and workers properties. Start with small values and iteratively increase the values so you don't overwhelm you CPU with too many processes.

The following table lists the variables you can set to adjust the parallelism in a Storm topology and provides recommendations for their values:

Storm Topology Variables Description Value
num tasks Tasks are instances of a given spout or bolt. Set the number of tasks as a multiple of the number of executors.
num executors Executors are threads in a process. Set the number of executors as a multiple of the number of workers.
num workers Storm workers are OS processes on Storm nodes. The number of workers should relate to the number of dedicated storm nodes. It is generally good practice in a Storm topology to allocate one worker per node where each worker has approximately the same number of executors (spouts, parsers, ackers, and error writers). However, it may not be efficient to do this for certain low volume parsing topologies. In this case, it may be better to have the combined workers of multiple low volume topologies match the number of nodes. For example, 4 workers for 3 low volume topologies on a cluster with 12 nodes.

Storm Workers

Storm workers are OS processes on Storm nodes. The number of Storm workers should relate to the number of dedicated storm nodes. It is generally good practice in a Storm topology to allocate 1 worker per node where each worker has approximately the same number of executors (spouts, parsers, ackers and error writers). However, it may not be efficient to do this for certain low volume parsing topologies. In this case, it may be better to have the combined workers of multiple low volume topologies match the number of nodes. For example, 4 workers each for 3 low volume topologies on a cluster with 12 nodes.

You can change the number of workers in the Storm property topology.workers.

Storm Executors

Storm executors refers to the threads within a worker which process events. In Metron (which uses Flux), the number of tasks will always equal the number of executors. As a result, the number of executors maps directly to the number of bolt/spout instances in a topology.

Usually your number of tasks is equal to the number of executors, which is the default in Storm. Flux does not provide a method to independently set the number of tasks, so for enrichments and indexing, which use Flux, num tasks are always equal to num executors.

Topology Ackers

Storm Ackers are responsible for tracking completed events within a topology. After an event is processed, a checksum is sent to the acker, which when processed, will mark the event as processed. This ensures that no events are lost and they all are processed. The number of ackers can be initially set to either 1 per Storm worker or 1 per Kafka partition. One of these will generally be more than necessary and after tuning for other components is complete, the number of Ackers can be lowered based on the capacity seen during testing.

The topology.ackers.executors setting specifies how many threads are dedicated to tuple acking. Set this setting to equal the number of partitions in your inbound Kafka topic.


Max Spout Pending

This parameter limits the number of unacked tuples allowed in a topology. Setting this prevents the topology from becoming overloaded and causing tuples to time out and fail. Setting this too low can result in low throughput with executors not reaching capacity. Setting this too high can lead to increased latency within topologies and possibly failures when there is a spike in events ingested.

You set this property as a form of back pressure to ensure that you don't flood your topology.


Spout Recommended Defaults

As a general rule, it is optimal to set spout parallelism equal to the number of partitions used in your Kafka topic. Any greater parallelism will leave you with idle consumers because Kafka limits the maximum number of consumers to the number of partitions. This is important because Kafka has certain ordering guarantees for message delivery per partition that would not be possible if more than one consumer in a given consumer group is able to read from that partition.

You can modify the following spout settings in the spout-config.json file. However, if the spout default settings work for your system, you can omit these settings from the file. These default settings are based on recommendations from Storm and are provided in the Kafka spout itself.

    "spout.pollTimeoutMs" : 200,
    "spout.maxUncommittedOffsets" : 10000000,
    "spout.offsetCommitPeriodMs" : 30000