Create a Batch Profile

Create a batch profile when you want to create a profile based on telemetry that was captured in the past. Batch profiles can be used to understand the historical behaviors and trends.

  1. If a profile file does not already exist, create a profile definition by editing $METRON_HOME/config/zookeeper/profiler.json as follows:
    cat $METRON_HOME/config/zookeeper/profiler.json
      "profiles": [
          "profile": "hello-world",
          "foreach": "'global'",
          "init":    { "count": "0" },
          "update":  { "count": "count + 1" },
          "result":  "count"
      "timestampField": "timestamp"
    If you have not previously created a profile definition, you will need to create the profiler.json file.
  2. Upload the profile definition to ZooKeeper:
    source /etc/default/metron
    bin/ -m PUSH -i config/zookeeper/ -z $ZOOKEEPER
    You can validate your upload by reading back the CCP configuration from ZooKeeper using the same script:
    bin/ -m DUMP -z $ZOOKEEPER
    PROFILER Config: profiler
      "profiles": [
          "profile": "hello-world",
          "onlyif":  "exists(ip_src_addr)",
          "foreach": "ip_src_addr",
          "init":    { "count": "0" },
          "update":  { "count": "count + 1" },
          "result":  "count"
  3. Ensure that you have archived telemetry data available for the batch profiler to consume.
    By default, CCP stores this in HDFS at /apps/metron/indexing/indexed/*/*.
    hdfs dfs -cat /apps/metron/indexing/indexed/*/* | wc -l
  4. Check the HBase table to validate that the Profiler is writing the profile.
    Remember that the Profiler is flushing the profile every 15 minutes. You will need to wait at least this long to start seeing profile data in HBase.
    /usr/hdp/current/hbase-client/bin/hbase shell
    hbase(main):001:0> count 'profiler'
  5. Review the batch profiler's properties located at $METRON_HOME/config/ to ensure that the properties are set appropriately for the batch profiler you want to run.
    See Batch Profiler Properties for more information on these properties.
  6. If you want to run DEBUG logging for the profiler, edit the log4j properties file that resides in $SPARK_HOME/config:
    If the log4j file does not exist, you can create one.
  7. Run the batch profiler.
    source /etc/default/metron
Query for the profile data using the Profiler Client.