Using the CLI to Query PCAP Data With the Query Filter Option

Only the CLI enables you to use the query filter option. The query filter leverages Stellar and allows you to more flexibly define the parameters used by the query. This filter option uses a binary regular expression that can be run on the packet payload itself. The query filter option can produce a very large output and create multiple files populating them with the specified number of records and titling them with timestamps.

The query filter option is specified with the BYTEARRAY_MATCHER(pattern, data) Stellar function. The first argument is the regex pattern and the second argument is the data. The packet data will be exposed with the packet variable in Stellar.
To execute the query filter option, run the following:
$METRON_HOME/bin/ query
You can filter or query for the following fields in the PCAP data:
  • ip_scr_addr
  • ip_dst_addr
  • ip_src_port
  • ip_dst_port
  • protocol
  • timestamp
The query filter uses the following options:
-bop,--base_output_path <arg>
Query result output path. Default is /tmp.
-bp,--base_path <arg>
Base PCAP data path. Default is /apps/metron/pcap.
-df,--date_format <arg>
Date format to use for parsing start_time and end_time. Default is to use time in millis since the epoch.
-et,--end_time <arg>
Packet end time range. Default is current system time.
-ft,--finalizer_threads <arg>
Number of threads to use for the final output writing.
-nr,--num_reducers <arg>
The number of reducers to use. Default is 10.
-q,--query <arg>
Query string to use as a filter.
-rpf,--records_per_file <arg>
Maximum number of records per file.
-st,--start_time <arg>
(required) Packet start time range.
-yq,--yarn_queue <arg>
Yarn queue this job will be submitted to.
The Query filter's --query argument specifies the Stellar expression to execute on each packet. To interact with the packet, a few variables are exposed:
The packet data (a byte[])
The source address for the packet (a String)
The source port for the packet (an Integer)
The destination address for the packet (a String)
The destination port for the packet (an Integer)
The first argument is the regex pattern and the second argument is the data. The packet data will be exposed by thepacket variable in Stellar.
Query filter examples:
$METRON_HOME/bin/ query \
                                      -st "20160617" \
                                      -df "yyyyMMdd" \
                                      --query "ip_src_addr == '' and ip_src_port == '49197' \
                                               and ip_dst_addr == '123.456.789.012' and ip_dst_port == '80' \
                                               and protocol == '6'"
                                       -rpf 500
To search for every packet that has an ip_dst_port of 8080 and contains the text "persist", run:
$METRON_HOME/bin/ query \
          --query "ip_dst_port == 8080 && 
            BYTEARRAY_MATCHER('\`persist\`', packet)" \
            -st "20170425" \
            -df "yyyyMMdd"

You can also do proper binary regexes that look for packets containing the text "persist" and the 2 byte sequence 0x1F909 (in hex):

$METRON_HOME/bin/ query \ 
          --query "BYTEARRAY_MATCHER('1F90', packet) && 
          BYTEARRAY_MATCHER('\`persist\`', packet)" \ 
          -st "20170425" \
          -df "yyyyMMdd"

Other examples:

$METRON_HOME/bin/ query \
                                      -st "1466136000000" \
                                      --query "IN_SUBNET(ip_src_addr, '') and ip_src_port == '49197' \
                                               and ip_dst_addr == '123.456.789.012' and ip_dst_port == '80' \
                                               and protocol == '6'"
                                      -rpf 500
# subnet function checks IP is in specified subnet
      --query "IN_SUBNET(ip_src_addr, '') \
               and ip_src_port == '49197' \
               and ip_dst_addr == '123.456.789.012' \
               and ip_dst_port == '80' \
               and protocol == '6'"
# range queries on ports
      --query "ip_src_port <= 50000 and ip_dst_port >= 30000"
# range queries with conditionals and parens
      --query "(ip_src_port < 50000 and ip_src_port > 40000) \
            or (ip_src_port < 20000 and ip_src_port > 10000)"
# in/not in list of values
      --query "ip_src_port < 10000 and ip_dst_port in ['54056', '54057', '8080']"