Understand the use case

Learn how you can use Apache NiFi to move data to Apache Solr in your Data Discovery and Exploration (DDE) cluster in CDP Public Cloud.

Time series use cases analyze data obtained during specified intervals and can improve performance based on available data. These require that you store your documents efficiently in your search engine. You can use Apache NiFi to move data from a range of locations to the Solr service in your Data Discovery and Exploration (DDE) cluster in CDP Public Cloud.

DDE clusters provide an efficient way to have Apache Solr up and running to store and index documents that can be queried by external applications. Beyond search queries, this also allows for building insight applications or exploration services based on text or other unstructured data. For more information on how to use DDE templates in CDP Public Cloud, see the Discover and Explore Data Faster with the CDP DDE Template blog post.

This data ingest use case walks you through the steps associated with creating a data flow that moves data from Kafka in a Streams Messaging cluster in CDP Public Cloud into Solr in a DDE cluster, in the same CDP Public Cloud environment. This gets you started with creating an ingest data flow into Solr. If you want to move data from a location other than Kafka, review the Getting Started with Apache NiFi for general information about how to build a data flow and about additional data ingest processor options. You can also check the other CDP Public Cloud ingest use cases.