Interactive Usage

In interactive mode the tab key can be used to perform auto-completion.

For example, typing tab at an empty prompt should display possible commands for the first argument:

demo       exit       help       nifi       registry   session

Typing "nifi " and then a tab will show the sub-commands for NiFi:

#> nifi
cluster-summary         enable-services         list-templates          pg-list
connect-node            export-param-context    list-user-groups        pg-set-param-context
create-param-context    get-node                list-users              pg-set-var
create-reg-client       get-nodes               merge-param-context     pg-start
create-reporting-task   get-param-context       offload-node            pg-status
create-service          get-policy              pg-change-version       pg-stop
create-user             get-reg-client-id       pg-create-service       set-param
create-user-group       get-reporting-task      pg-disable-services     start-reporting-tasks
current-user            get-reporting-tasks     pg-enable-services      stop-reporting-tasks
delete-node             get-root-id             pg-get-all-versions     update-policy
delete-param            get-service             pg-get-param-context    update-reg-client
delete-param-context    get-services            pg-get-services         update-user-group
disable-services        import-param-context    pg-get-vars             upload-template
disconnect-node         list-param-contexts     pg-get-version
download-template       list-reg-clients        pg-import

Arguments that represent a path to a file, such as -p or when setting a properties file in the session, will auto-complete the path being typed:

#> session set nifi.props /tmp/
dir1/   dir2/   dir3/