Fixed Issues in Flow Management
Review the list of Flow Management issues that are resolved in Cloudera DataFlow for Data Hub 7.2.12.
Technical Service Bulletins
- TSB 2022-580: NiFi Processors cannot write to content repository
- For the latest update on this issue see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB 2022-580: NiFi Processors cannot write to content repository
- TSB 2022-589: CVE-2022-33140 Apache NiFi ShellUserGroupProvider Vulnerability
- For the latest update on this issue see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB 2022-589: CVE-2022-33140 Apache NiFi ShellUserGroupProvider Vulnerability
- NIFI-3862
- ListenHTTPServlet should set the issuerDN as well.
- NIFI-5936
- MockProcessSession remove() does not report a "DROP" provenance event.
- NIFI-6714
- Unable to start NiFI due to Illegal reflective access warning.
- NIFI-7198
- Support TLS in RedisConnectionPoolService.
- NIFI-7361
- UI - policy icon not showing up correctly.
- NIFI-7443
- SFTP KeepAlive not working.
- NIFI-7737
- Add support for String[] to PutCassandraRecord.
- NIFI-7788
- Start and Stop actions on a Process Group should enable/disable transmission of RPG's.
- NIFI-7870
- Fix anonymous access control for advanced UI resources.
- NIFI-7886
- FetchAzureBlobStorage.
- NIFI-7947
- DeleteAzureDataLakeStorage Processor cannot delete non empty folder.
- NIFI-8126
- Include Total Queued Duration in metrics reported via ConnectionStatus.
- NIFI-8133
- PutElasticsearchRecord/ElasticSearchClientService should allow null values to optionally be suppressed/output.
- NIFI-8137
- Record Path functions to un/escape JSON.
- NIFI-8298
- Refactor nifi-security-utils to reduce dependence on Bouncy Castle.
- NIFI-8317
- Prometheus metrics returning incorrect heap and non-heap usage values when max values are undefined.
- NIFI-8325
- Rework SNMP processors.
- NIFI-8341
- ConsumeAMQP and PublishAMQP Should support multiple hosts.
- NIFI-8347
- 1.13.1/2 Listen Websocket Processor not working.
- NIFI-8348
- Advanced UI not available when building with Java 11.
- NIFI-8361
- UnpackContent failing for Deflate:Maximum.
- NIFI-8365
- JSON record reader mishandles deep CHOICE types.
- NIFI-8376
- Gracefully handle SQL exceptions in ResultSetRecordSet.
- NIFI-8389
- Grok Reader - raw data strategy when no match.
- NIFI-8394
- Fix NPE error when NiFi connects to external zookeeper insecurely.
- NIFI-8397
- Update to latest Simple-Syslog-5424 to fix BOM issue.
- NIFI-8417
- emoji in processor group name cause nifi to not start up.
- NIFI-8428
- UI - Access Policy icon not displaying properly for Controller Services.
- NIFI-8431
- Redundant validation of Dynamic Properties.
- NIFI-8437
- RecordReader 'Infer Schema' for large records with JsonPathReader may throw IOException.
- NIFI-8442
- Can not write Timestamp.
- NIFI-8454
- InvokeHTTP does not report final URL after following redirects.
- NIFI-8457
- When Load-balanced connections are used, offloading a node may never complete.
- NIFI-8463
- Custom SASL protocol name support in PutKudu processor.
- NIFI-8466
- Offloading the Single Node load balancing target causes ignored backpressure.
- NIFI-8470
- PutDatabaseRecord truncates strings to 1 character when inserting into PostgreSQL CHAR(n) field.
- NIFI-8471
- Parameter Contexts - show referencing process groups.
- NIFI-8473
- REST API Documentation Missing Parameter Contexts.
- NIFI-8475
- EL query parser can produce wrong output when input contains multiple escaped expressions.
- NIFI-8477
- If a node completely dies, can not delete it from the cluster; AKA Zombie Node.
- NIFI-8496
- NiFi returns 500 error when uploading templates.
- NIFI-8501
- Add support for Azure Storage Client-Side Encryption.
- NIFI-8510
- CSRF filter blocking requests that contain unrelated cookies.
- NIFI-8512
- NiFi is not efficient when handling nullable types with Avro Reader/Writer.
- NIFI-8520
- Parameter Contexts - Show the wrong information of referencing components.
- NIFI-8530
- PutDatabaseRecord DELETE issue with Postgres UUID.
- NIFI-8535
- PutDatabaseRecord should give a better message when the table cannot be found.
- NIFI-8536
- PrometheusReportingTask and PrometheusRecordSink do not support variable registry for port.
- NIFI-8537
- Components become invalid if referencing a disabled controller service.
- NIFI-8542
- The FlowFile content returned by Stateless TriggerResult.readContent may contain too much data.
- NIFI-8609
- Improve efficiency of converting Record object to Avro GenericRecord object.
- NIFI-8610
- Invalid bigdecimal values in ORC when multiple avro records provided.
- NIFI-8620
- NullPointerException on commit with multiple ProcessSession.
- NIFI-8622
- AvroReader not reading Decimal values correctly when avro file with no embedded schema is parsed.
- NIFI-8628
- Variable Registry - Variable count doesn't reset when opening the variable dialog.
- NIFI-8631
- ConsumeGCPubSub acknowledges messages without committing the session.
- NIFI-8633
- Content Repository can be improved to make fewer disks accesses on read.
- NIFI-8639
- Add custom headers and dynamic URLs to ConnectWebsocket.
- NIFI-8643
- Nifi 1.13.2 Cluster Load balancer Does not Work Properly.
- NIFI-8645
- Disable LongRunningTaskMonitor by default.
- NIFI-8664
- Upgrade json-path (jayway) dependency.
- NIFI-8666
- Parameters cannot be referenced from Expression Language if they have a space in the name.
- NIFI-8667
- Deadlock when enabling Controller Service and all Referencing Components.
- NIFI-8668
- ConsumeAzureEventHub NiFi processors need to support storage SAS token authentication.
- NIFI-8670
- Parameter Context update may fail if Controller Service referencing a parameter is Enabling.
- NIFI-8674
- Update Apache Calcite to latest 1.27.0 for fixing query bug.
- NIFI-8689
- Site-to-Site client is constantly flushing the socket's OutputStream.
- NIFI-8690
- NarBundleExtractor fails for latest extension docs.
- NIFI-8697
- If JWT Token no longer valid.
- NIFI-8698
- PutKudu fails if 'Handle Schema Drift' is true and using Data Record Path.
- NIFI-8707
- Upgrade SSHJ to 0.31.0.
- NIFI-8711
- Support keyboard-interactive authentication for SFTP.
- NIFI-8719
- ProcessSession may leave open references to files in content repo until committed/rolled back.
- NIFI-8720
- SplitRecord can enter infinite loop of Expression Language used to provide value of 0 Records per FlowFile.
- NIFI-8721
- Upgrade Spring Boot to 2.5.1.
- NIFI-8722
- EmbeddedQuestDbStatusHistoryRepository does not record new stats for Connections.
- NIFI-8731
- When updating Parameter Context, sometimes see failure: processor cannot be started because it is not stopped. Current state is STOPPING.
- NIFI-8749
- PutDatabaseRecord Insert Datetime Type Time Zone Issue.
- NIFI-8761
- Enable not setting a value for Escape Character in CSVReader controller service.
- NIFI-8771
- NiFI fails to start if clustered and flow consists only of 1+ Controller Services.
- NIFI-8773
- Allow TailFile to hold off on ingesting lines of text if the full (multi-line) message is not available.
- NIFI-8785
- AvroReader controller can't get confluent schema IDs except only the latest.
- NIFI-8790
- PutElasticsearchRecord incorrectly validates Index Operation for Expression Language input.
- NIFI-8933
- Jersey ObjectMapper should ignore unknown fields.
- NIFI-8936
- Adding Dynamic HTTP Headers to Confluent Schema Registry Requests.
- NIFI-8939
- Issue updating Parameter Values when referencing Controller Service is Disabling.
- NIFI-8942
- NiFi Registry: flow description cannot be selected and copied on the UI.
- NIFI-8951
- Precision is used instead of scale in QueryDatabase processors.
- NIFI-8955
- Add Max Connection Lifetime property to Hive(_1_1)ConnectionPool CS.
- NIFI-8957
- NiFi Registry - Possibility to set a description when creating a bucket.
- NIFI-8969
- Fix Maximum Polling Time in CuratorLeaderElectionManager.
- NIFI-8973
- Implement KerberosUserService API and implementations.
- NIFI-8986
- Upgrade Apache Commons Compress to 1.21.
- NIFI-8987
- Upgrade Apache PDFBox to 2.0.24.
- NIFI-8990
- Upgrade Groovy to 2.5.14 and 2.4.21.
- NIFI-8996
- PutHive*QL processors do not close JDBC statements.
- NIFI-9017
- If a node's load balance host/port is updated, other nodes stop sending data.
- NIFI-9018
- When connection points to a moved port version change with NiFi Registry may throw exception.
- NIFI-9025
- Build is failing because TestTailFile is references the wrong property.
- NIFI-9035
- Keystore Valid Check Throws NPE on null Keystore Password.
- NIFI-9038
- Fix fingerprinting group access control policies for Remote Port.
- NIFI-9054
- Calling Nifi Registry's createExtensionBundleVersion REST endpoint will cause NullPointerException.
- NIFI-9055
- Added handling for 0- read range to FetchS3Object.
- NIFI-9061
- Improve responsiveness of the UI.
- NIFI-9066
- PutSplunkHTTP - FF attributes support.
- NIFI-9076
- In MoveHDFS processor, hdfs-related operations should be wrapped in UGI.doAs().
- NIFI-9079
- Set log level to WARN for Apache Atlas client logs.
- NIFI-9082
- ZooKeeperStateProvider should use jute.maxbuffer property.
- NIFI-9200
- AbstractCSVLookupService cache remains on the heap after disabling the service.
- NIFI-9201
- NullPointerException in AbstractKerberosUser if the tgt is not renewable.
- NIFI-9210
- Upgrade jsoup to 1.14.2.
- NIFI-9217
- Possible deadlock when node is disconnected.