Known Issues in Streaming Analytics

Learn about the known issues in Streaming Analytics clusters, the impact or changes to the functionality, and the workaround.

SQL Stream Builder

CSA-1232: Big numbers are incorrectly represented on the Streaming SQL Console UI
The issue impacts the following scenarios in Streaming SQL Console:
  • When having integers bigger than 253-1 among your values, the Input transformations and User Defined Functions are considered unsafe and produce incorrect results as these numbers will lose precision during parsing.
  • When having integers bigger than 253-1 among your values, sampling to the Streaming SQL Console UI produces incorrect results as these numbers will lose precision during parsing.
CSA-1454: Timezone settings can cause unexpected behavior in Kafka tables
You must consider the timezone settings of your environment when using timestamps in a Kafka table as it can affect the results of your query. When the timestamp in a query is identified with from_unixtime, it returns the results based on the timezone of the system. If the timezone is not set in UTC+0, the timestamp of the query results will shift in time and will not be correct.
Change your local timezone settings to UTC+0.
CSA-1985: DROP TABLE limitation when using Webhook table
DROP TABLE cannot be executed against Webhook type tables. The following error message is displayed when trying to delete a Webhook table using the SQL window: Table with identifier 'xyz' does not exist.
Use the Delete button on the Streaming SQL Console.
CSA-2016: Deleting table from other teams
There is a limitation when using the Streaming SQL Console for deleting tables. It is not possible to delete a table that belongs to another team using the Delete button on the User Interface.
Use DROP TABLE statement from the SQL window.
CSA-3742: Catalogs are not working due to expired Kerberos TGT
When SSB is running for a longer period of time than the lifetime of the Kerberos Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT), authentication with the catalog services will fail and the catalogs stop working.


CSA-1318: Flink job submission fails in RAZ enabled environment
Flink applications will not run in environments where Ranger Authorization Service (RAZ) is enabled as the Flink job submission fails.
Workaround: None