Behavioral Changes in Streams Messaging

Review the list of Streams Messaging behavioral changes in Cloudera DataFlow for Data Hub 7.2.16.


The FileStream example connectors (FileStreamSourceConnector and FileStreamsSinkConnector) are no longer available for deployment by default using the Kafka Connect Rest API, SMM UI, or SMM REST API. The JAR file of the connector is still shipped with Cloudera Runtime, but the connectors must be installed before they can be deployed. For more information on how to install Kafka Connect connectors, see Installing Connectors.
Previous behavior:
TheFileStream example connectors were available by default for deployment. In SMM, the connectors were selectable on the Connect Cluster > Connector Setup page by default.
New behavior:
TheFileStream example connectors must be installed before they can be deployed. In SMM, the connectors are no longer selectable on the Connect Cluster > Connector Setup page by default.
Topic auto creation for the internal consumers of the Kafka Connect workers is turned off by default.
Previous behavior:
Topic auto creation for the internal consumers of the Kafka Connect workers was turned on by default.
New behavior:
Topic auto creation for the internal consumers of the Kafka Connect workers is turned off by default.

Schema Registry

Schema compatibility check now supports the evolution of Avro enums.
Previous behavior:
Schema compatibility check fails when a writer schema that has enum values is not present in the reader schema (some previous version), regardless if the reader has a default value.
New behavior:
A schema that does not have all enum values but has a default value set, remains compatible with a newer version that has an extended set of enum values.

Streams Messaging Manager

The FileStream example connectors (FileStreamSourceConnector and FileStreamsSinkConnector) are no longer available for deployment by default using the Kafka Connect Rest API, SMM UI, or SMM REST API. The JAR file of the connector is still shipped with Cloudera Runtime, but the connectors must be installed before they can be deployed. For more information on how to install Kafka Connect connectors, see Installing Connectors.
Previous behavior:
TheFileStream example connectors were available by default for deployment. In SMM, the connectors were selectable on the Connect Cluster > Connector Setup page by default.
New behavior:
TheFileStream example connectors must be installed before they can be deployed. In SMM, the connectors are no longer selectable on the Connect Cluster > Connector Setup page by default.

Streams Replication Manager

The default values for Metrics Topics Creation Timeout for Driver and Metrics Topics Creation Timeout for Service are increased to 20 seconds
Previous behavior:
The default values for Metrics Topics Creation Timeout for Driver and Metrics Topics Creation Timeout for Service was 5 seconds.
New behavior:
The default values for Metrics Topics Creation Timeout for Driver and Metrics Topics Creation Timeout for Service is 20 seconds.

Cruise Control

There are no behavioral changes for Cruise Control in Cloudera DataFlow for Data Hub 7.2.16.