Configuring Flow Management clusters to hot load custom NARs
Hot loading custom NARs means that you can store the NARs for your NiFi custom processors in an external folder, and load them from that directory for use on the NiFi canvas. This makes it easy to edit custom processors and add new ones without having to restart your Flow Management cluster.
- You can configure NiFi to hot load custom NARs in all supported cloud providers.
- You can only access resources in the object store of the cloud provider in which you environment is running. But but you can have a development and a production environment, for example, and configure both environments to access the same location to hot load custom NARs
It is possible to define multiple locations if desired by repeating the configuration properties with a different [***custom-name***] for each location. But all locations should be in the object store of the underlying cloud provider of where the NiFi cluster is located.
NiFi polls for new NARs in the configured location(s) every 5 minutes.
Refresh the NiFi UI and then drag and drop a new processor to the NiFi canvas and search for your custom processor.