Supported NiFi processors
This release ships with Apache NiFi 1.21.0 and includes a set of processors, most of which are supported by Cloudera. You should be familiar with the available supported Processors, and avoid using any unsupported processors in production environments.
Additional processors are developed and tested by the Cloudera community but are not officially supported by Cloudera. Processors are excluded for a variety of reasons, including insufficient reliability or incomplete test case coverage, declaration of non-production readiness by the community at large, and feature deviation from Cloudera best practices.
AttributesToCSV | GetGcpVisionAnnotateFilesOperationStatus | PutDynamoDBRecord |
AttributesToJSON | GetGcpVisionAnnotateImagesOperationStatus | PutElasticsearchHttp1 |
Base64EncodeContent | GetHBase | PutElasticsearchHttpRecord |
CalculateRecordStats | GetHDFS | PutElasticsearchJson |
CaptureChangeMySQL | GetHDFSFileInfo | PutElasticsearchRecord |
CompressContent12 | GetHDFSSequenceFile | PutEmail1 |
ConnectWebSocket | GetHTMLElement | PutFile |
ConsumeAMQP | GetHTTP | PutFTP |
ConsumeAzureEventHub | GetHubSpot | PutGCSObject |
ConsumeEWS | GetIgniteCache | PutGoogleDrive |
ConsumeGCPubSub | GetJiraIssue | PutGridFS |
ConsumeGCPubSubLite | GetJMSQueue | PutHBaseCell1 |
ConsumeJMS | GetJMSTopic | PutHBaseJSON |
ConsumeKafka_1_0 | GetMongoRecord | PutHBaseRecord |
ConsumeKafka_2_0 | GetSFTP | PutHDFS |
ConsumeKafka_2_6 | GetShopify | PutHive3QL |
ConsumeKafka2CDP | GetSNMP | PutHive3Streaming |
ConsumeKafka2RecordCDP | GetSnowflakeIngestStatus | PutHiveQL |
ConsumeKafkaRecord_1_0 | GetSolr | PutHiveStreaming |
ConsumeKafkaRecord_2_0 | GetSplunk | PutHTMLElement |
ConsumeKafkaRecord_2_6 | GetSQS | PutIceberg |
ConsumeKinesisStream | GetTCP | PutInfluxDB |
ConsumeMQTT1 | GetTwitter | PutJMS |
ConsumeTwitter | GetWorkdayReport | PutKinesisFirehose |
ConsumeWindowsEventLog | GetZendesk | PutKinesisStream |
ControlRate | HandleHttpRequest | PutKudu |
ConvertAvroSchema | HandleHttpResponse | PutLambda |
ConvertAvroToJSON | HashAttribute | PutMongoRecord |
ConvertAvroToORC | HashContent | PutORC |
ConvertAvroToParquet | IdentifyMimeType | PutParquet |
ConvertCharacterSet | InvokeAWSGatewayApi | PutRecord |
ConvertCSVToAvro | InvokeGRPC | PutRedisHashRecord (Technical Preview) |
ConvertJSONToAvro | InvokeHTTP | PutRiemann |
ConvertJSONToSQL | InvokeScriptedProcessor | PutS3Object |
ConvertProtobuf | JoinEnrichment | PutSalesforceObject |
ConvertRecord | JoltTransformJSON | PutSFTP |
CreateHadoopSequenceFile | JoltTransformRecord | PutSmbFile |
CryptographicHashAttribute | JSLTTransformJSON | PutSnowflakeInternalStage |
CryptographicHashContent | JsonQueryElasticsearch | PutSNS |
DecryptContent | ListAzureBlobStorage | PutSolrContentStream |
DecryptContentCompatibility | ListAzureBlobStorage_v12 | PutSolrRecord |
DecryptContentPGP | ListAzureDataLakeStorage | PutSplunk |
DeduplicateRecord | ListBoxFile | PutSplunkHTTP1 |
DeleteAzureBlobStorage | ListCDPObjectStore | PutSQL |
DeleteAzureBlobStorage_v12 | ListDatabaseTables | PutSQS |
DeleteAzureDataLakeStorage | ListDropbox | PutSyslog |
DeleteByQueryElasticsearch | ListenBeats | PutTCP |
DeleteCDPObjectStore | ListenFTP | PutUDP |
DeleteDynamoDB | ListenGRPC | PutWebSocket1 |
DeleteGCSObject | ListenGRPC | QueryAirtableTable |
DeleteGridFS | ListenHTTP | QueryCassandra |
DeleteHBaseCells | ListenRELP | QueryDatabaseTable |
DeleteHBaseRow | ListenSyslog | QueryDatabaseTableRecord |
DeleteHDFS | ListenTCP | QueryElasticsearchHttp |
DeleteS3Object | ListenTCPRecord | QueryRecord |
DeleteSQS | ListenTrapSNMP | QuerySalesforceObject |
DetectDuplicate | ListenUDP | QuerySolr |
DistributeLoad | ListenUDPRecord | QuerySplunkIndexingStatus |
DuplicateFlowFile | ListenWebSocket | QueryWhois |
EncodeContent | ListFile | ReplaceText1 |
EncryptContent2 | ListFTP | ReplaceTextWithMapping |
EncryptContentPGP | ListGCSBucket | ResizeImage |
EnforceOrder | ListGoogleDrive | RetryFlowFile |
EvaluateJsonPath | ListHDFS | RouteHL7 |
EvaluateXPath | ListS3 | RouteOnAttribute |
EvaluateXQuery | ListSFTP | RouteOnContent |
ExecuteGroovyScript | ListSmb | RouteText |
ExecuteInfluxDBQuery | LogAttribute | SampleRecord1 |
ExecuteProcess | LogMessage | ScanAccumulo |
ExecuteScript | LookupAttribute | ScanAttribute |
ExecuteSQL | LookupRecord | ScanContent |
ExecuteSQLRecord | MergeContent1 | ScanHBase |
ExecuteStateless | MergeRecord | ScriptedFilterRecord |
ExecuteStreamCommand | ModifyCompression | ScriptedPartitionRecord |
ExtractAvroMetadata | ModifyHTMLElement | ScriptedTransformRecord |
ExtractGrok | MonitorActivity | ScriptedValidateRecord |
ExtractHL7Attributes | MoveAzureDataLakeStorage | ScrollElasticsearchHttp |
ExtractImageMetadata | MoveHDFS | SearchElasticsearch |
ExtractText | Notify | SegmentContent |
FetchAzureBlobStorage | PaginatedJsonQueryElasticsearch | SelectHive3QL |
FetchAzureBlobStorage_v12 | ParseCEF | SelectHiveQL |
FetchAzureDataLakeStorage | ParseEvtx | SendTrapSNMP |
FetchBoxFile | ParseSyslog | SetSNMP |
FetchCDPObjectStore | PartitionRecord | SignContentPGP |
FetchDistributedMapCache | PostHTTP | SplitAvro1 |
FetchDropbox | PublishAMQP1 | SplitContent1 |
FetchElasticsearchHttp | PublishGCPubSub1 | SplitJson1 |
FetchFile | PublishGCPubSubLite | SplitRecord |
FetchFTP | PublishJMS1 | SplitText1 |
FetchGCSObject | PublishKafka_1_0 | SplitXml1 |
FetchGoogleDrive | PublishKafka_2_0 | StartAwsPollyJob |
FetchGridFS | PublishKafka_2_6 | StartAwsTextractJob |
FetchHBaseRow | PublishKafka2CDP | StartAwsTranscribeJob |
FetchHDFS | PublishKafka2RecordCDP | StartAwsTranslateJob |
FetchParquet | PublishKafkaRecord_1_0 | StartGcpVisionAnnotateFilesOperation |
FetchS3Object | PublishKafkaRecord_2_0 | StartGcpVisionAnnotateImagesOperation |
FetchSFTP | PublishKafkaRecord_2_6 | StartSnowflakeIngest |
FetchSmb | PublishMQTT1 | TagS3Object |
FlattenJson | PutAccumuloRecord | TailFile |
ForkEnrichment | PutAzureBlobStorage | TransformXml |
ForkRecord | PutAzureBlobStorage_v12 | TriggerHiveMetaStoreEvent |
GenerateFlowFile | PutAzureCosmosDBRecord1 | UnpackContent |
GenerateRecord | PutAzureDataLakeStorage | UpdateAttribute |
GenerateTableFetch | PutAzureEventHub1 | UpdateByQueryElasticsearch |
GeoEnrichIP | PutAzureQueueStorage | UpdateCounter |
GeoEnrichIPRecord | PutBigQuery | UpdateDatabaseTable |
GeohashRecord | PutBigQueryBatch | UpdateDeltaLakeTable (Technical Preview) |
GetAsanaObject | PutBigQueryStreaming1 | UpdateHive3Table |
GetAwsPollyJobStatus | PutBoxFile | UpdateHiveTable |
GetAwsTextractJobStatus | PutCassandraQL1 | UpdateRecord |
GetAwsTranscribeJobStatus | PutCassandraRecord | ValidateCsv |
GetAwsTranslateJobStatus | PutCDPObjectStore | ValidateJson |
GetAzureEventHub | PutCloudWatchMetric | ValidateRecord |
GetAzureQueueStorage | PutCouchbaseKey1 | ValidateXml |
GetCouchbaseKey1 | PutDatabaseRecord | VerifyContentMAC |
GetElasticsearch | PutDistributedMapCache | VerifyContentPGP |
GetFile | PutDropbox | Wait |
GetFTP | PutDynamoDB1 | YandexTranslate |
- 1 – indicates a memory intensive processor
- 2 – indicates a CPU intensive processor