Unsupported Flow Management features

Some Flow Management features exist in Cloudera DataFlow for Data Hub 7.2.17, but are not supported by Cloudera.


Technical preview features

The following features are available in Flow Management in Cloudera DataFlow for Data Hub 7.2.17 but are not ready for production deployment. Cloudera encourages you to explore these technical preview features in non-production environments and provide feedback on your experiences through the Cloudera Community Forums.

  • The following rules engine, handler, and catalog controller services:
    • ActionHandlerLookup
    • AlertHandler
    • EasyRulesEngineProvider
    • EasyRulesEngineService
    • ExpressionHandler
    • LogHandler
    • RecordSinkHandler
    • ScriptedActionHandler
    • ScriptedRulesEngine
    • ScriptedRulesEngine
    • Processors:
      • PutRedisHashRecord
      • UpdateDeltaLakeTable

NiFi Registry

There are no unsupported features in this release.