Fixed issues in Flow Management

Review the list of Flow Management issues that are resolved in Cloudera DataFlow for Data Hub 7.2.18.

NiFi 1.25 with CFM 2.2.8

CFM 2.2.8 is based on Apache NiFi 1.25.0. It includes all fixed issues of this Apache NiFi release, as well as the following additional fixes:

  • NIFI-12843: Fix incorrect read of parquet data, when record.count is inherited
  • NIFI-12596: PutIceberg is missing case-insensitive Record type handling in List and Map types
  • NIFI-12506 Added Threading for Status Analytics Retrieval
  • NIFI-9464 Fixed race condition between "Timer-Driven" threads when running SiteToSiteProvenanceReportingTask.onTrigger and "Compress Provenance Log" threads
  • NIFI-12105: ExecuteStateless processor accepts additional NAR directories
  • NIFI-11149 Added PutRedisHashRecord Processor
  • CFM-2713 Resource Fetcher over HTTPS with Basic Authentication
  • CFM-3673 Re-added InvokeGRPC processor to downstream
  • CFM-3503 Create PutJiraIssue and JiraRecordSink
  • CFM-3712 Align PutIcebergCDC eq-delete strategy with Flink
  • CFM-3616 Create Impala JDBC Controller Service
  • CFM-3687 Update Commons-text-1.9.jar in nifi-cdf-iceberg-nar
  • CFM-3676 Improve documentation about cache.
  • CFM-3418 Add nifi-cdf-hive-bundle with CLDR-specific Hive components
  • CFM-3399 Added Debezium-based processor for SQL Server
  • CFM-3397 Added Debezium-based processor for PostgreSQL
  • CFM-3395 Added Debezium-based processor for DB2
  • CFM-3393 Added Debezium-based processor for Oracle
  • CFM-3607 Add provenance event to PutIcebergCDC processor
  • CFM-3090 Create RabbitMQ JMS Controller Service
  • CFM-3400 Added abstract Debezium-based processor and MySQL implementation.
  • CFM-3091 Create ActiveMQ JMS Controller Service
  • CFM-3605 Add missing Ozone support to UpdateDeltaLakeTable
  • CFM-3574 Allow override of fs.defaultFS in UpdateDeltaLakeTable
  • CFM-3458 In 'UpdateDeltaLakeTable' handling when a 'DeltaConcurrentModificationException' occurs
  • CFM-3329 CML Lookup Service
  • CFM-2853 Added CyberarkConjurParameterProvider.
  • CFM-3488 Correct padding handling for ListenNetFlow Options Templates
  • CFM-3335 PutIcebergCDC processor
  • CFM-2853 Added CyberarkConjurParameterProvider.
  • CFM-3335 PutIcebergCDC processor
  • CFM-3425 Create AzureServiceBusJMSConnectionFactoryProvider to consumer Azure
  • CFM-3168 Added EBCDICRecordReader
  • CFM-3256 Allowing ClouderFlowLibraryClient to work with unknown fields (will be ignored)
  • CFM-3325 Redshift controller service
  • CFM-3378 Automatic nar delivery should not die, if 404 happens
  • CFM-3328 Add ListenNetFlow Processor
  • CFM-3088 Add PostgreSQLConnectionPool
  • CFM-3159 Add registry client for Cloudera Flow Library
  • CFM-3239 ClouderaSchemaRegistry controller service
  • CFM-1822 Handle custom schema in ListenGRPC

NiFi 2.0 with CFM 4.2.0

CFM 4.2.0 is based on Apache NiFi 2.0.0-M1. It includes all fixed issues of this Apache NiFi release, as well as the following additional fixes:

  • NIFI-12675 Fixed custom Relationships with Python Processors
  • NIFI-12616 Added Processor Documentation Support for Python
  • NIFI-12591 Upgraded from Swagger Annotations 1.6.12 to 2.2.20
  • NIFI-12766 Fixed Region handling for AWS Assume Role Credentials
  • NIFI-12676 Fixed Servlet Registration in HandleHttpRequest
  • NIFI-12394 Fixed Service references for Migrated Configurations
  • NIFI-12596 PutIceberg is missing case-insensitive Record type handling in List and Map types
  • NIFI-12506 Added Threading for Status Analytics Retrieval
  • NIFI-12434 Upgraded Registry to Spring Framework 6.1.1
  • NIFI-12587 improve error message in ValidateCSV
  • NIFI-12581 Upgraded geoip2 from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0
  • NIFI-12580 Upgraded maven-artifact plugin from 3.8.8 to 3.9.6
  • NIFI-12578 Updated nifi-compress-bundle using current API methods
  • NIFI-12577 Updated nifi-cdc-bundle using current API methods
  • NIFI-12575 Updated nifi-asana-bundle using current API methods
  • NIFI-9464 Fixed race condition between "Timer-Driven" threads
  • NIFI-12582 Update mockito.version to 5.8.0
  • NIFI-12579 Update icu4j to 74.2
  • NIFI-12583 Update SMBJ to 0.13.0
  • NIFI-12576 MQTT processors allow path component in Broker URI
  • NIFI-12571 Upgraded Logback from 1.3.14 to 1.4.14
  • NIFI-12570 Upgraded Apache IoTDB from 1.2.2 to 1.3.0
  • NIFI-12569 Upgraded Iceberg from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3
  • NIFI-12562 Upgraded json-schema-validator from 1.0.87 to 1.1.0
  • NIFI-12521 Upgrade ca.uhn.hapi dependencies to 2.5.1
  • NIFI-11703 Upgraded to Spring Framework 6 and Jetty 12
  • NIFI-12395 Upgraded Jackson JSON from 2.15.3 to 2.16.1
  • NIFI-12382 Added DatabaseTableSchemaRegistry Service
  • NIFI-12538 Added mapOf Record Standalone Function
  • NIFI-12558 Upgraded Jagged from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0
  • NIFI-12524 Fixed null handling for auditing Connect Details
  • NIFI-12559 Upgraded SSHJ from 0.37.0 to 0.38.0
  • NIFI-12531 Parameter references are removed after property migration
  • NIFI-12526 Fixed handling of Fetch Size in QueryCassandra, added fragment attributes
  • NIFI-12556 Updated nifi-cipher-bundle using current API methods
  • NIFI-12557 Updated nifi-kafka-bundle using current API methods
  • NIFI-12517 Updated isJson function to improve space handling
  • NIFI-12513 Added UriUtils to nifi-utils and updated InvokeHTTP
  • NIFI-12546 Updated nifi-snowflake-bundle using current API methods
  • NIFI-12545 Updated nifi-iceberg-bundle using current API methods
  • NIFI-11627 Added JsonSchemaRegistry for ValidateJson
  • NIFI-12334 Added GCSFileResourceService
  • NIFI-12542 Updated Zendesk Components using Current APIs
  • NIFI-12532 Ensure that when CommunicateAction completes (exceptionally or otherwise) that it gets removed from the list of all CommunicationActions
  • NIFI-12528 Fixed bug that resulted in StackOverflowError when deleting loop containing only funnels
  • NIFI-12536 Used proper method for converting byte array to String
  • NIFI-12481 Filtering out unauthorized registry clients to avoid unhandled error
  • NIFI-12525 Added property migration for the removed Consumer Hostname property in ConsumeAzureEventHub
  • NIFI-12515 Removed deprecated Client Auth property from AMQP processors
  • NIFI-12527 Removed deprecated Session Cache Size property from JMS processors
  • NIFI-12487 Added CSRF Protection to Registry
  • NIFI-12418 Corrected Provider Groups Missing in Refreshed Tokens
  • NIFI-11308 Added nifi.framework.version System Property for EL
  • NIFI-12480 Updated MapRecord's toString() method to use the SerializedForm of the record when available and fixed bugs around ensuring that the serialized form is properly set
  • NIFI-12522 Upgraded Netty from 4.1.101 to 4.1.104
  • NIFI-12408 Added Pretty Print Property to AttributesToJSON
  • NIFI-12371 Support tombstone messages in non-record Kafka processors
  • NIFI-12446 Refactor FilterAttribute to align with code conventions
  • NIFI-12520 ExtractHL7Attributes processor ignores repeatable field values
  • NIFI-12518 Upgraded Calcite Avatica from 1.23.0 to 1.24.0
  • NIFI-12516 Corrected Cluster Replicated Response Headers for HTTP/2
  • NIFI-6730 AMQP QoS support
  • NIFI-12509 Changing default TTL of HazelcastMapCacheClient
  • NIFI-12474 remove TriggerWhenEmpty for DeleteHDFS
  • NIFI-12496 Moved Python extensions unpacking to common.xml
  • NIFI-12497 Upgraded snowflake-jdbc to 3.14.4
  • NIFI-12241 Efficient Parquet Splitting
  • NIFI-12479 Add pg-export to toolkit CLI
  • NIFI-12492 Moved QuestDB Status Repository to Separate NAR
  • NIFI-12475 Disabled Bypass Validation by Default in PutMongoRecord
  • NIFI-12478 Return Message Type as body for JMS Object Messages
  • NIFI-12489 Upgraded Apache POI from 5.2.4 to 5.2.5
  • NIFI-12105 ExecuteStateless processor accepts additional NAR directories
  • NIFI-12483 Streamlined JMX Metrics Filtering Parameters
  • NIFI-12484 Bumping dependency to latest minor/incremental release
  • NIFI-12470 Fixing forEach callback for usage with Object.entries() to address layout issue in Status History
  • NIFI-12473 Deleted removeByPattern Methods from Cache Services
  • NIFI-12477 Update to 2.15.1
  • NIFI-12476 Exclude nifi-framework-core from minifi-bootstrap
  • NIFI-12453 Added cluster-status command to
  • NIFI-12331 Added PublishSlack Processor
  • NIFI-12410 Support EL for Starting Row in ExcelReader
  • NIFI-12412 Support Proxies for Blob Checkpoints in ConsumeAzureEventHub
  • NIFI-12427 Add channel name attribute to ConsumeSlack
  • NIFI-12318 Fixed byte array generation in GenerateRecord
  • NIFI-12462 Upgraded Logback from 1.3.13 to 1.3.14
  • NIFI-12466 Upgraded MongoDB Driver from 4.10.2 to 4.11.1
  • NIFI-12465 Upgraded mysql-binlog-connector-java from 0.28.1 to 0.28.3
  • NIFI-12463 Upgraded maven-artifact from 3.8.5 to 3.8.8
  • NIFI-12461 Upgraded jsoup from 1.16.2 to 1.17.1
  • NIFI-12460 Upgraded OpenCSV from 5.8 to 5.9
  • NIFI-12455 Upgraded JAXB Runtime from 2.3.8 to 2.3.9
  • NIFI-12451 Removed Bootstrap Notification Services
  • NIFI-12457 Added additional use case based documentation and fixed some typos/made some clarifications in related docs
  • NIFI-12458 Upgrade Groovy to 4.0.16 from 4.0.15
  • NIFI-11992 Processor and sink service for filing tickets in Zendesk
  • NIFI-12439 Upgraded Kubernetes Client from 6.8.1 to 6.9.2
  • NIFI-12448 Removed InfluxDB Processors
  • NIFI-12432 Upgraded Spring Framework from 5.3.30 to 5.3.31
  • NIFI-12440 Upgraded HikariCP from 5.0.1 to 5.1.0
  • NIFI-11129 Added PutMongoBulkOperations Processor
  • NIFI-12386 Adds processor FilterAttribute attribute uuid is not removed by removeAttribute(s) in MockProcessSession
  • NIFI-12436 Upgraded datafaker from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2
  • NIFI-12433 Upgraded mariadb-java-client from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0
  • NIFI-12431 Upgraded testcontainers from 1.19.1 to 1.19.3
  • NIFI-12430 Upgraded unboundid-ldapsdk from 6.0.9 to 6.0.10
  • NIFI-12438 Upgraded Logback from 1.3.11 to 1.3.13
  • NIFI-12366 Add HuggingFace support to Pinecone processors
  • NIFI-12404 Added documentation indicating this controller service does not resolve YAML aliases
  • NIFI-12416 Relocated the additionalDetails.html to the appropriate bundle in order for it to be seen when generating the documentation
  • NIFI-12423 Update iotdb.sdk.version to 1.2.2
  • NIFI-12422 Update excel-streaming-reader to 4.2.1
  • NIFI-12421 Update metrics-core to 4.2.22
  • NIFI-12414 Update org.apache.commons.lang3.version to 3.14.0
  • NIFI-11481 Initial migration to Angular 16
  • NIFI-11583 Removed nifi-ignite-nar module from assembly
  • CFM-3673 Re-added InvokeGRPC processor to downstream
  • CFM-3503 Create PutJiraIssue and JiraRecordSink
  • CFM-3712 Align PutIcebergCDC eq-delete strategy with Flink
  • CFM-3616 Create Impala JDBC Controller Service
  • CFM-3687 Update Commons-text-1.9.jar in nifi-cdf-iceberg-nar
  • CFM-3676 Improve documentation about cache
  • CFM-3418 Add nifi-cdf-hive-bundle with CLDR-specific Hive components
  • CFM-3399 Added Debezium-based processor for SQL Server
  • CFM-3397 Added Debezium-based processor for PostgreSQL
  • CFM-3395 Added Debezium-based processor for DB2
  • CFM-3393 Added Debezium-based processor for Oracle
  • CFM-3607 Add provenance event to PutIcebergCDC processor
  • CFM-3090 Create RabbitMQ JMS Controller Service
  • CFM-3400 Added abstract Debezium-based processor and MySQL implementation
  • CFM-3091 Create ActiveMQ JMS Controller Service
  • CFM-3605 Add missing Ozone support to UpdateDeltaLakeTable
  • CFM-3574 Allow override of fs.defaultFS in UpdateDeltaLakeTable
  • CFM-3458 In 'UpdateDeltaLakeTable' handling when a 'DeltaConcurrentModificationException' occurs
  • CFM-3329 CML Lookup Service
  • CFM-2853 Added CyberarkConjurParameterProvider.
  • CFM-3488 Correct padding handling for ListenNetFlow Options Templates
  • CFM-3335 PutIcebergCDC processor
  • CFM-2853 Added CyberarkConjurParameterProvider.
  • CFM-3335 PutIcebergCDC processor
  • CFM-3425 Create AzureServiceBusJMSConnectionFactoryProvider to consumer Azure
  • CFM-3168 Added EBCDICRecordReader
  • CFM-3256 Allowing ClouderFlowLibraryClient to work with unknown fields (will be ignored)
  • CFM-3325 Redshift controller service
  • CFM-3378 Automatic nar delivery should not die, if 404 happens
  • CFM-3328 Add ListenNetFlow Processor
  • CFM-3088 Add PostgreSQLConnectionPool
  • CFM-3159 Add registry client for Cloudera Flow Library
  • CFM-3239 ClouderaSchemaRegistry controller service
  • CFM-1822 Handle custom schema in ListenGRPC