NiFi patches

This release provides Apache NiFi 1.13.2 and these additional Apache patches.

  • NIFI-8360 - SplitContent does not find any 'splits' that occur after about 2 GB into FlowFile
  • NIFI-8357 - ConsumeKafka(Record)_2_0, ConsumeKafka(Record)_2_6 do not reconnect if using statically assigned partitions
  • NIFI-8353 - When node is offloaded, it may still receive data from load-balanced connections
  • NIFI-8346 - PutAzureBlobStorage doesn't route to failure despite the exception during upload
  • NIFI-8344 - Allow TailFile to continue tailing a file for some time after it has been rolled over
  • NIFI-8319 - EncryptContent should support decrypting AES/CBC/NoPadding
  • NIFI-8314 - Generate warning for any long-running tasks
  • NIFI-8313 - Upgrade zip4j to 2.7.0
  • NIFI-8312 - Support PKCS12 and BCFKS truststores in Atlas reporting task
  • NIFI-8307 - Controller Services not fully enabling on startup, preventing NiFi from completing startup
  • NIFI-8302 - Correct Sensitive Value Encoding in FingerprintFactory
  • NIFI-8296 - Integration with API to retrieve all subjects associated with a schema id for Confluent Schema Registry v5.3.1+
  • NIFI-8289 - EmbeddedQuestDbRolloverHandlerTest tests fail when local date and UTC date differ
  • NIFI-8286 - CertificateUtils do not support embedded emailAddress in CN
  • NIFI-8283 - Value handling in ScanAccumulo processor
  • NIFI-8263 - ListenHTTP - thread pool size
  • NIFI-8260 - Process Group Import JSON file
  • NIFI-8258 - Add support for Service Principal authentication in ADLS processors
  • NIFI-8224 - Add LoggingRecordSink controller service
  • NIFI-8212 - Improve startup times for Stateless
  • NIFI-8188 - Processors: right click / run once
  • NIFI-8132 - Replace Framework Uses of MD5 with Modern Algorithm
  • NIFI-8113 - Persisting status history
  • NIFI-8030 - Improve Atlas lineage when using PutHDFS to push data accessed through Hive
  • NIFI-7668 - Add configurable PBE AEAD algorithms to flow encryption
  • NIFI-7127 - Allow injection of SecureHasher into FingerprintFactory
  • NIFI-6752 - Create ASN.1 RecordReader

For more information on fixed Apache NiFi patches, see the Apache NiFi Release Notes.