This ReportingTask sends the following metrics to Ambari:
- FlowFilesReceivedLast5Minutes
- BytesReceivedLast5Minutes
- FlowFilesSentLast5Minutes
- BytesSentLast5Minutes
- FlowFilesQueued
- BytesQueued
- BytesReadLast5Minutes
- BytesWrittenLast5Minutes
- ActiveThreads
- TotalTaskDurationSeconds
- jvm.uptime
- jvm.heap_used
- jvm.heap_usage
- jvm.non_heap_usage
- jvm.thread_states.runnable
- jvm.thread_states.blocked
- jvm.thread_states.timed_waiting
- jvm.thread_states.terminated
- jvm.thread_count
- jvm.daemon_thread_count
- jvm.file_descriptor_usage
- jvm.gc.runs
- jvm.gc.time
In order to make use of these metrics in Ambari, a NIFI service must be created and installed
in Ambari. Please consult the Ambari and NiFi documentation for further details.