Posts a message to the specified Slack channel. The content of the message can be either a user-defined message that makes use of Expression Language or the contents of the FlowFile can be sent as the message. If sending a user-defined message, the contents of the FlowFile may also be optionally uploaded as a file attachment.
slack, conversation, chat.postMessage, social media, team, text, unstructured, write, upload, send, publish
In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, and whether a property supports the NiFi Expression Language.
Display Name | API Name | Default Value | Allowable Values | Description |
Access Token | Access Token | OAuth Access Token used for authenticating/authorizing the Slack request sent by NiFi. This may be either a User Token or a Bot Token. The token must be granted the chat:write scope. Additionally, in order to upload FlowFile contents as an attachment, it must be granted files:write. Sensitive Property: true | ||
Channel | Channel | The name or identifier of the channel to send the message to. If using a channel name, it must be prefixed with the # character. For example, #general. This is valid only for public channels. Otherwise, the unique identifier of the channel to publish to must be provided. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using flow file attributes and Environment variables) | ||
Publish Strategy | Publish Strategy | Send FlowFile Content as Message |
| Specifies how the Processor will send the message or file to Slack. |
Message Text | Message Text | The text of the message to send to Slack. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using flow file attributes and Environment variables) This Property is only considered if the [Publish Strategy] Property has a value of "Use 'Message Text' Property". | ||
Character Set | Character Set | UTF-8 | Specifies the name of the Character Set used to encode the FlowFile contents. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using flow file attributes and Environment variables) This Property is only considered if the [Publish Strategy] Property has a value of "Send FlowFile Content as Message". | |
Include FlowFile Content as Attachment | Include FlowFile Content as Attachment | false |
| Specifies whether or not the contents of the FlowFile should be uploaded as an attachment to the Slack message. This Property is only considered if the [Publish Strategy] Property has a value of "Use 'Message Text' Property". |
Max FlowFile Size | Max FlowFile Size | 1 MB | The maximum size of a FlowFile that can be sent to Slack. If any FlowFile exceeds this size, it will be routed to failure. This plays an important role because the entire contents of the file must be loaded into NiFi's heap in order to send the data to Slack. This Property is only considered if the [Include FlowFile Content as Attachment] Property has a value of "true". | |
Thread Timestamp | Thread Timestamp | The Timestamp identifier for the thread that this message is to be a part of. If not specified, the message will be a top-level message instead of being in a thread. Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using flow file attributes and Environment variables) |
Name | Description |
rate limited | FlowFiles are routed to 'rate limited' if the Rate Limit has been exceeded |
failure | FlowFiles are routed to 'failure' if unable to be sent to Slack for any other reason |
success | FlowFiles are routed to success after being successfully sent to Slack |
Name | Description |
---|---| | The ID of the Slack Channel from which the messages were retrieved |
slack.ts | The timestamp of the slack messages that was sent; this is used by Slack as a unique identifier |
Send specific text as a message to Slack, optionally including the FlowFile's contents as an attached file.
Set "Access Token" to the value of your Slack OAuth Access Token.
Set "Channel" to the ID of the channel or the name of the channel prefixed with the # symbol. For example, "C0123456789" or "#general".
Set "Publish Strategy" to "Use 'Message Text' Property".
Set "Message Text" to the text that you would like to send as the Slack message.
Set "Include FlowFile Content as Attachment" to "true" if the FlowFile's contents should be attached as a file, or "false" to send just the message text without an attachment.
Send the contents of the FlowFile as a message to Slack.
Set "Access Token" to the value of your Slack OAuth Access Token.
Set "Channel" to the ID of the channel or the name of the channel prefixed with the # symbol. For example, "C0123456789" or "#general".
Set "Publish Strategy" to "Send FlowFile Content as Message".
Respond to a Slack message in a thread.
Set "Destination" to "flowfile-attribute"
Add a new property named "thread.ts" with a value of $.threadTs
Add a new property named "message.ts" with a value of $.ts
Add a new property named "" with a value of $.channel
Add a new property named "" with a value of $.user
Connect the "matched" Relationship to PublishSlack.
Set "Access Token" to the value of your Slack OAuth Access Token.
Set "Channel" to ${''}
Set "Publish Strategy" to "Use 'Message Text' Property".
Set "Message Text" to the text that you would like to send as the response. If desired, you can reference the user of the original message by including the text <@${''}>
For example: Hey, <@${''}>, thanks for asking...
Set "Include FlowFile Content as Attachment" to "false".
Set "Thread Timestamp" to ${'thread.ts':replaceEmpty( ${'message.ts'} )}