Fixed issues in Flow Management
Review the list of Flow Management issues that are resolved in Cloudera DataFlow for Data Hub 7.3.1.
NiFi 1.28 with CFM 2.2.9
CFM 2.2.9 is based on Apache NiFi 1.28.0. It includes all fixed issues of this Apache NiFi release, as well as the following additional fixes:
- CFM-3673 Removed deprecation notice from downstream InvokeGRPC
- CFM-3673 Re-added InvokeGRPC processor to downstream
- CFM-3681 Be able to use downstream solr version
- CFM-3726 Added deprecation notice in GRPC processors
- CFM-3768 Exclude aws libs and put those into the common lib directory
- CFM-3775 Update scala-library version to 2.13.12 to mitigate CVE-2022-36944 and Reactor Netty client to 1.0.34 to mitigate CVE-2023-34062
- CFM-3775 Update org.json:json version to 20231013 to mitigate CVE-2023-5072
- CFM-3775 Updated snappy-java to (CVE-2023-43642) excluded bcprov-ext references (CVE-2018-1000180, CVE-2018-1000613) updated snakeyaml to 2.2 (CVE-2017-18640)
- CFM-3775 Remove support for old Postgres versions, update Postgres to…
- CFM-3819 Change logging for debezium unit tests
- CFM-3846 Add missing Ozone dependency to PutIcebergCDC processor
- CFM-4125 CFM-4067 Bump postgresql driver version in debezium-connector-postgres lib to mitigate CVE-2024-1597
- CFM-4155 NIFI-13836 Dependency upgrades
- CFM-4201 Exclude log4j-slf4j-impl
- CFM-4289 NIFI-13720 Component is not reloaded when the isolation key depends on service property
- CFM-4289 NIFI-13722 Kerberos ticket renewal issue due static thread pool in Iceberg library
- CFM-4374 update azure-identity
- CFM-4411 Fix CVEs in bouncycastle
- CFM-4412 Fix CVE-2024-32888 in redshift
- CFM-4434 Use symlinks in nars for jar/war files (part 1+2)
- NIFI-1931 Add auto commit property to QueryDatabaseTable and QueryDatabaseTable processors to allow disabling auto commit so PostgreSQL Fetch Size will work
- NIFI-6379 Added SSL Context to PutSNS, DeleteSQS, GetSQS, and PutSQS
- NIFI-9677 Fixed issue that an empty JSON array causes flow file to be considered unmatched even though it should be considered as a match.
- NIFI-13993 Upgraded Netty to 4.1.115.Final
- NIFI-13993 Upgraded aws-java-sdk to 1.12.778 along with others
- NIFI-13993 Updated Docker version to 1.28.1
- NIFI-13993 Update Apache parent pom version to 33
- NIFI-13993 Removing pom versionsBackup files
- NIFI-13993 Set project version to 1.28.1-SNAPSHOT
- NIFI-13988 Adjusted Record number conversion to treat empty String as null
- NIFI-13963 Default to Drop Unknown Fields in JSON Record Reader
- NIFI-13991 Fix GetAwsTextractJobStatus so that a ProvisionedThroughputExceededException properly sends the flowfile to the "throttled" relationship.
- NIFI-13994 Upgraded Jackson to 2.18.1 along with others
- NIFI-13922 Fixed SplitExcel to use the evaluated formula value for cell
- NIFI-13970 Added DISCLAIMER regarding NiFi version 1 to assemblies
- NIFI-13930 PutAzureDataLakeStorage sets close flag on file write so that Azure can emit FlushWithClose event
- NIFI-13927 Use synchronized lists in PublishGCPubSub
- NIFI-13897-RC1 prepare release nifi-1.28.0-RC1
- NIFI-13971 Removed Parameter Context debug logging in Flow Synchronizer
- NIFI-13633 Set JsonRecordSetWriter.AllowScientificNotation default value to 'true' on 1.x line in order to be backward compatible
- NIFI-13755 Improved Controller Service Enabling Process
- NIFI-13860 Avoid Throwing Exceptions for Failures in IPLookupService
- NIFI-13744 Corrected Excel Reader Cell Type Inferencing
- NIFI-13798 Renamed Airtable's API Key property to Personal Access Token and updated docs due to API Keys deprecation
- NIFI-13404 recreate s3Object before returning input stream
- NIFI-13726 Set cell style copy policy to false in order to avoid exceeding the maximum number of cell styles (64000) in a .xlsx Workbook
- NIFI-13335 Added ability for the XMLRecordReader to handle where an array of data has different types.
- NIFI-13842 Fixed truststore/keystore setup in AWS v2 components
- NIFI-13840 Fixed Proxy URL Configuration in AWS v2 components
- NIFI-12532 Ensure that when CommunicateAction completes (exceptionally or otherwise) that it gets removed from the list of all CommunicationActions
- NIFI-13819 Set Row Number and Sheet Name for ExcelReader Exceptions
- NIFI-13776 Updated CopyS3Object to Handle Files over 5 GB
- NIFI-13829 Mitigate false positive reports of MonitorActivity, in case of infrequent Flow Files
- NIFI-13831 Adding inheritance to versioned component synchronizer parameter context synchronization when considering referencing components to restart
- NIFI-13831 Adding inheritance to versioned component synchronizer parameter context synchronization when considering referencing components to restart
- NIFI-13836 Dependency upgrades
- NIFI-13837 QueryRecord changes timezones of Timestamp field
- NIFI-12016 Allow use of compatible NAR bundles when loading flow from cluster connection; when determining what bundles are compatible, consider not just any bundle if it's the only one but also any bundle whose version matches the framework version so that when NiFi is upgraded, it is handled more gracefully.
- NIFI-13549 Resolve ability to go to provenance event from lineage ui when nifi is clustered
- NIFI-13722 Kerberos ticket renewal issue due static thread pool in Iceberg library
- NIFI-13720 Component is not reloaded when the isolation key depends on service property
- NIFI-13763 Fixed HashSet Filtering for DeduplicateRecord
- NIFI-13742 Normalize column names in SelectHiveQL processors
- NIFI-13727 Add DeleteSFTP processor
- NIFI-13543 Backport HttpRecordSink service to NiFi 1.x
- NIFI-13723 Add standalone RecordPath function recordOf
- NIFI-13709 Added more meaningful message when validation fails with non-compliant XML and no schema is provided
- NIFI-13715 Fixed StandardProvenanceEventRecord.hashCode() to sort Parent/Child FlowFiles as equals() does
- NIFI-13620 Resolved MaxWaitTime Issue in QueryCassandra
- NIFI-13686 Make TestListFile.testFilterAge() more resilient to time delays
- NIFI-13692 Catch All Exceptions in ResizeImage
- NIFI-13691 Added Kerberos User Service to KuduLookupService
- NIFI-13690 Upgraded AWS SDK to 2.27.14 and other dependencies
- NIFI-13605 Make AbstractHadoopProcessor.KERBEROS_USER_SERVICE public
- NIFI-13675 Fixed Tooltip for Parameter Description
- NIFI-13669 Adding alternative processor suggestion in InvokeAWSGatewayApi deprecation notice
- NIFI-13666 Applied the change to 1.X
- NIFI-13576 Upgrade Iceberg from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0
- NIFI-13430 Added CopyS3Object and GetS3ObjectMetadata
- NIFI-13655 Upgrade 1.x Shared Dependencies including JacksonXML and others
- NIFI-13640 Extract Ranger Solr version to property
- NIFI-13627 Bump azure-sdk-bom to 1.2.25 and msal4j to 1.16.1 for nifi-property-protection-azure
- NIFI-13623 Bump gcp.sdk.version to 26.40.0 for nifi-property-protection-gcp
- NIFI-13621 Upgraded JGit to for CVE-2023-4759
- NIFI-13574 Upgraded Azure SDK BOM from 1.2.23 to 1.2.25
- NIFI-13439 Add performance tracking to ProcessGroupStatus
- NIFI-13439 Add performance tracking to ProcessGroupStatus
- NIFI-12741 Remove write permission requirement for the referenced controller service when changing component property referencing a controller service through parameter
- NIFI-13593 PutIceberg issue with decimal scale
- NIFI-13573 Bump google.libraries.version from 26.37.0 to 26.40.0
- NIFI-13557 Fixed TestExcelSchemaInference for Single Digit Month
- NIFI-13557 Fixed TestSchemaInferenceUtil for Single Digit Month
- NIFI-13557 Corrected Date Time Matcher to support single digit months
- NIFI-13566 Catch Throwable during JettyServer start to ensure any issue during start will exit
- NIFI-13550 Added documentation about the ExcelReader Starting Row Strategy
- NIFI-13542 Added missing Max String Length property for JSON Readers
- NIFI-12491 Added Starting Row Schema Strategy to ExcelReader
- NIFI-13538 Do not include exception details in FlowFile attributes in DeleteFile
- NIFI-13418 Updated ExcelReader to handle spreadsheets with shared formulas
- NIFI-13461 Added DeleteFile Processor
- NIFI-13420 Maintain consistent maxNonHeapBytes for clustered diagnostics
- NIFI-13031 Changed PG StatusSnapshotDTO to use cloned copy for status
- NIFI-13496 Included Hadoop configuration file paths in the classloader isolation key of HDFS processors
- NIFI-13478 Protobuf Reader fails to coerce type of repeated fields
- NIFI-13464 Replaced nifi-deprecation-log with logger in Registry
- NIFI-13304 Added SplitExcel Processor
- NIFI-13422 Use unique instances for ScanRule implementatations for QueryNiFiReportingTask
- NIFI-12750 ExecuteStreamCommand incorrectly decodes std error stream
- NIFI-13429 Corrected EncryptContentPGP Packet Detection
- NIFI-13415 Deprecated Property Protection and Encrypt Config
- NIFI-10666 PrometheusReportingTask needs to use UTF-8 (not jvm default charset) for /metrics endpoint
- NIFI-13400 ensure container has time to startup before interacting with smb
- NIFI-12231 FetchSmb supports Move and Delete Completion Strategies
- NIFI-13356 Fixed ProtobufReader handling of repeated fields
- NIFI-13397 Updated PutDatabaseRecord to retry transient ProcessException causes
- NIFI-13411 Upgraded Spring to 5.3.37 along with other common dependencies
- NIFI-12704 Avoid NPE in escapeJson() for Root Path
- NIFI-13340 Fixed a bug in which an Output Port can leave a Process Group's DataValve open for output, but then the last FlowFile is terminated instead of going to an Output Port, ultimately resulting in the DataValve remaining open indefinitely. Now, this will be detected and the valve will be closed.
- NIFI-13379 Replaced use of deprecated com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.http.HTTPResponse method getContentAsJSONObject with API suggested replacement getBodyAsJSONObject.
- NIFI-13359 Tune ExecuteSQL/Record to create fewer transient flow files
- NIFI-13374 Fix tooltip for Parameter Context in new Process Group dialog
- NIFI-13030 Adding endpoint for comparing versions of registered flows (1.x support)
- NIFI-13323 Removed instantiation of Object arrays for log arguments
- NIFI-13315 Fixed ListAzureBlobStorage_v12 fails when Record Writer is used
- NIFI-13298 Removed unused instantiated java.util.HashSet from RouteAttribute
- NIFI-13294 Deprecated Apache Knox SSO Authentication
- NIFI-13296 Deprecated Kerberos SPNEGO Authentication
- NIFI-11658 Streamline using single Parameter Context for nested PGs
- NIFI-12896 Added Endpoint Override URL property for PutSNS Processor
- NIFI-12669 Fixed ByteArrayOutputStream.toString() for Java 8 in EvaluateXQuery
- NIFI-12669 Fix EvaluateXQuery processor which incorrectly encodes result attributes in certain case
- NIFI-13072 Fix MonitorActivity problems with cluster scope flow monitoring
- NIFI-13156 Replaced JsonParser deprecated getCurrentName() with currentName()
- NIFI-13208 Increased PropertyDescriptor visibility in HadoopDBCPConnectionPool
- NIFI-13172 Deprecated nifi-kafka-connect components
- NIFI-13201 Deprecated Accumulo Components for Removal
- NIFI-13191 Deprecated InvokeAWSGatewayApi
- NIFI-13181 Updated msal4j to 1.15.0
- NIFI-13151 Deprecated Couchbase Components
- NIFI-13152 Deprecated DataDogReportingTask
- NIFI-13133 RC1 prepare for next development iteration
- NIFI-13133 RC1 prepare release nifi-1.26.0-RC1
- NIFI-12231 FetchSmb supports Move and Delete Completion Strategies
- NIFI-13137 Switch to Zulu for MacOS Java 8 action
- NIFI-13008 CLI command to upgrade all instances of a versioned flow
- NIFI-13133 RC1 prepare for next development iteration
- NIFI-13133 RC1 prepare release nifi-1.26.0-RC1
- NIFI-13131 dependency updates
- NIFI-13121 Handle runtime exceptions in FetchHDFS
- NIFI-13103 Make AutoCommit default to no value set in PutDatabaseRecord
- NIFI-13006 Deprecated nifi-solr-bundle components
- NIFI-12960 Corrected default Protection Type in ExcelReader
- NIFI-12960 Support reading password-protected files in ExcelReader
- NIFI-13084 Backport Allow disabling scientific notation when writing JSON (NIFI-12697)
- NIFI-13090 Backport Improve handling of embedded JSON records (NIFI-12480)
- NIFI-12858 Corrected Order of Previous Property Values
- NIFI-13069 Deprecated ConvertAvroToJSON
- NIFI-12923 Added append avro mode to PutHDFS
- NIFI-13070 Upgraded Netty from 4.1.108 to 4.1.109
- NIFI-13066 Upgraded Bouncy Castle from 1.77 to 1.78.1
- NIFI-13064 Upgrade commons-configuration2 to 2.10.1 for Registry
- NIFI-12993 Add auto commit feature and add batch processing for the sql stmt type
- NIFI-13049 Upgraded nimbus-jose-jwt to 9.37.3 for Registry and Toolkit
- NIFI-13052 allow CRON driven components to be searchable
- NIFI-13046 Upgrade Solr dependencies to 8.11.3
- NIFI-13037 Upgraded Spring Framework from 5.3.31 to 5.3.34
- NIFI-13040 Upgraded Commons IO from 2.15.1 to 2.16.1
- NIFI-13025 Removed custom validation from NifiRegistryFlowRegistryClient
- NIFI-12890 Refactor HadoopDBCPConnectionPool to extend AbstractDBCPConnectionPool
- NIFI-12614 Create record reader service for Protobuf messages (1.x version)
- NIFI-12889 Retry Kerberos login on auth failure in HDFS processors
- NIFI-12837 Fix checkstyle issue following a manual cherrypick
- NIFI-13010 Fix UpdateDatabaseTable to work with DBCPConnectionPoolLookup
- NIFI-12837 Added DFS support in SMB processors
- NIFI-13012 Upgraded Apache Tika from 2.9.1 to 2.9.2
- NIFI-12984 Bump Snowflake Ingest SDK to 2.1.0
- NIFI-12918 Corrected Nested Versioned Flows for Stateless
- NIFI-13002 Restored zstd Compression Level in CompressContent
- NIFI-12996 Moved zstd-jni to standard-shared-nar
- NIFI-12969 Fixed a typo in the #isTempDestinationNecessary method, where we were comparing existingConnection.getProcessGroup() to newDestination.getProcessGroup(), instead of comparing existingConnection.getDestination().getProcessGroup() to newDestination.getProcessGroup(). I.e., we were comparing the Destination's PG to the Connection's PG instead of comparing Destination's PG to Destination's PG. This resulted in using a temporary funnel when we shouldn't. And as a result it attempted to change a Connection's Destination while the destination was running.
- NIFI-12987 allow controller service type to be searchable
- NIFI-12980 Deprecated Hive 3 Components for Removal
- NIFI-12979 Upgraded Kotlin from 1.9.10 to 1.9.23
- NIFI-12966 Upgraded Netty from 4.1.106 to 4.1.108
- NIFI-12900 Avoid unnecessary file listing in PutSFTP
- NIFI-12957 Upgraded Azure SDK BOM from 1.2.19 to 1.2.21
- NIFI-12939 Retry Kerberos login on authentication failure in Iceberg processors
- NIFI-12888 In AbstractEmailProcessor check for expired oauth2 token when determining whether mail receiver needs to be recreated.
- NIFI-12954 Upgraded AWS BOM from 2.23.3 to 2.25.16
- NIFI-12949 Upgraded Box SDK from 4.6.1 to 4.8.0
- NIFI-12925 Updated ListenHTTP to return 405 for TRACE and OPTIONS
- NIFI-12930 Catch FlowFileAccessException in FetchFile
- NIFI-12887 Added Binary String Format property to PutDatabaseRecord
- NIFI-12943 Upgraded Hadoop from 3.3.6 to 3.4.0
- NIFI-12947 Upgraded MIME4J to 0.8.11
- NIFI-12936 ListGCSBucket resets its tracking state after configuration change
- NIFI-12944 Add PeerAddress as Attribute into the flowfile
- NIFI-12928 Added Simple Write strategy in PutAzureDataLakeStorage
- NIFI-12929 Fix logout infinite redirect loop in case of knox
- NIFI-12895 Added Timeout property to GetSmbFile and PutSmbFile
- NIFI-12938 Upgrade Iceberg from 1.4.3 to 1.5.0
- NIFI-12931 Upgraded Commons Configuration from 2.9.0 to 2.10.1
- NIFI-12926 Upgraded Jackson from 2.16.2 to 2.17.0
- NIFI-12503 Render from-data in swagger.json and RestAPI docs correctly
- NIFI-12919 Deprecated Cassandra 3 Components for Removal
- NIFI-12877 Added Sensitive Dynamic Property Support to RestLookUpService
- NIFI-12911 Upgraded Jagged from 0.3.0 to 0.3.2
- NIFI-12909 Upgraded Nimbus JOSE+JWT from 9.33.0 to 9.37.3
- NIFI-12700 refactored PutKudu to optimize memory handling for AUTO_FLUSH_SYNC flush mode (unbatched flush)
- NIFI-12901 Removed time units in description of time period properties
- NIFI-12906 Upgraded ZooKeeper from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2
- NIFI-12886 Upgraded Jackson JSON from 2.16.1 to 2.16.2
- NIFI-12840 Expose REMOTE_POLL_BATCH_SIZE property for ListSFTP
- NIFI-12871 Upgraded Commons Compress from 1.25.0 to 1.26.1
- NIFI-12879 Upgraded Clojure from 1.11.1 to 1.11.2
- NIFI-12785 Corrected InvokeHTTP URL handling to avoid double encoding
- NIFI-12876 Upgraded Surefire Plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.2.5
- NIFI-12874 Upgraded Log4j from 2.20.0 to 2.23.0
- NIFI-12868 Upgraded Commons DBCP from 2.11.0 to 2.12.0
- NIFI-12860 Fixed NPE in ExtensionMetadata Constructor
- NIFI-12846 Fixed Region handling for AWS Assume Role Credentials with VPCE Endpoint URL
- NIFI-12645 Fix to correctly invoke onStopped method of scripted processor
- NIFI-12850 Prevent indexing of overly large filename attribute
- NIFI-12828 Added Mapping for BIT type to return INT and handled boolean case for postgres
- NIFI-12851 ConsumeKafka, remove limitation on count of subscribed topics
- NIFI-12847 Add Enum data type handling to Iceberg record converter
- NIFI-12843 Fix incorrect read of parquet data, when record.count is inherited
- NIFI-12843 Fix incorrect read of parquet data, when record.count is inherited
- NIFI-12839 Explicitly set nifiVersion for processor bundle archetype dependencies
- NIFI-11859 Ensure Hazelcast can not join a network when Cluster is NONE
- NIFI-12835 Upgraded node-ip from 1.1.8 to 1.1.9 for Registry
- NIFI-12826 Added timing lag in TestFTP method for improved stability
- NIFI-12784 Set Path Not Found as a Dependent Property in EvaluateJsonPath
- NIFI-12827 Upgraded PostgreSQL JDBC test driver from 42.6.0 to 42.7.2
- NIFI-12232 Corrected Group Component ID Handling for Clustered Flows
- NIFI-12818 Deprecated ReportLineageToAtlas for Removal
- NIFI-12808 Upgraded Commons Codec from 1.16.0 to 1.16.1
- NIFI-12810 Upgraded SLF4J from 2.0.11 to 2.0.12
- NIFI-12725 Upgraded json-schema-validator from 1.1.0 to 1.3.2
- NIFI-12789 fix broken link in couchbase additional details
- NIFI-12770 Deprecated Ranger Authorizers for Removal
- NIFI-12792 Deprecated nifi-spark-bundle components for removal
- NIFI-12777 Add support for UUID record field type in QueryRecord processor
- NIFI-12779 Upgraded Okio from 3.7.0 to 3.8.0
- NIFI-12769 Updated copyright year to 2024 in NOTICE file headers
- NIFI-12680 Fixed JAR for DefaultedDynamicClassPathModificationIT
- NIFI-12745 Fix AvroReader silently dropping malformed records
- NIFI-12749 Handled Forward Slash in Flow Name for nifi-toolkit-cli
- NIFI-12732 ListS3 resets its tracking state after configuration change
- NIFI-12728 Upgraded brotli4j from 1.13.0 to 1.16.0
- NIFI-12729 Upgraded unboundid-ldapsdk from 6.0.10 to 6.0.11
- NIFI-12730 Upgraded Spring Integration from 5.5.18 to 5.5.20
- NIFI-12441 Added No Tracking Strategy to ListS3
- NIFI-12726 Update commons-email to 1.6.0
- NIFI-12731 Ensure state is updated in GetHBase whenever the session is committed
- NIFI-12715 Updated Snowflake SDKs
- NIFI-12719 Upgraded metrics-core from 4.2.22 to 4.2.25
- NIFI-12718 Upgraded greenmail from 1.6.14 to 1.6.15
- NIFI-12717 Upgraded Gremlin from 3.7.0 to 3.7.1
- NIFI-12713 Upgraded mysql-binlog-connector from 0.28.3 to 0.29.0
- NIFI-12695 Enabled PKCE Support for OIDC Integration
- NIFI-12699 Set timeout to 10 seconds for TestStandardFlowFileQueue.testListFlowFilesResultsLimitedCollection
- NIFI-12691 Update okio to 3.7.0
- NIFI-12706 Update reactor-test to 3.5.14
- NIFI-12688 Upgrade mysql-connector-j to 8.3.0
- NIFI-12705 Update metrics-jvm to 4.2.25
- NIFI-12692 Update jline.version to 3.25.1
- NIFI-12690 Upgraded opentelemetry-proto from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0
- NIFI-12689 Upgraded Testcontainers from 1.19.3 to 1.19.4
- NIFI-12682 Fix MiNiFi agent manifest hash swaps
- NIFI-12677 Removed documentation of non-existent strategy for ExcelReader
- NIFI-12500 Add dynamic target for Get/Set/SendTrapSNMP
NiFi 2.0 with CFM 4.2.1
CFM 4.2.1 is based on Apache NiFi 2.0.0-M2. It includes all fixed issues of this Apache NiFi release, as well as the following additional fixes:
- CFM-2279 Added nifi-cdf-flow-analysis-rules-bundle and multiple rule implementations.
- CFM-2663 Add Kite module back - Revert "NIFI-9591 Removed nifi-kite-bundle" - Set NiFi version to 1.16.0
- CFM-2663 Add NARs shipped in CFM to nifi-assembly
- CFM-2900 Fix build error, use downstream versions There was a StackOverFlow error, because ozone-common downstream lib transitive dependency had a collision with dependencies. As turned out, has downstream versions as well, which are compatible with other downstream libs, so we have to use that one - CFM-2900: Fix atlas downstream errors Extend interface with new method + remove EmbeddedKafka as no longer support that way - CFM-2925: Be compatible with hive downstream library - CFM-2946: Ignoring failing Atlas tests, which work downstream - CFM-2946: Updating hive3 version to downstream version 3.1.3000. - CDPDFX-5826 - fix log4j exclusion - Removing log4j dependencies pulled in with hadoop version - Adding more log4j exclusions for hadoop-cloud-storage - CDPDFX-6081 Resolve issues after rebase to 1.18.0 - CDPDFX-6081 Fix more versions after rebase
- CFM-2946 Updating version to 1.17.0, and excluding log4j from kite bundle
- CFM-3219 Downstream library derby lib scope is runtime which cause build failure, exclude extra org.slf4j:slf4j-reload4j dependencies come from downstream libs
- CFM-3219 exclude extra org.slf4j:slf4j-reload4j dependencies come from downstream libs
- CFM-3680 fix dependency collision issue
- CFM-3686 Fix snappy cve error + add some rules from apache nifi
- CFM-3719 Fix hive-jdbc version in nifi-hive-bundle
- CFM-3742 Exclude orc-core from hive3
- CFM-3761 In nifi-cdf-flow-analysis-rules adding RestrictThreadPoolSize in src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org.apache.nifi.flowanalysis.FlowAnalysisRule.
- CFM-3775 Remove support for old Postgres versions, update Postgres to…
- CFM-4140 NIFI-13675 Fixed Tooltip for Parameter Description
- CFM-4273 Fix concurrent issues - not use virtual thread for this release
- CFM-4360 Create configured python temp directory if it does not exists
- CFM-4360 Add python package install tempdir NiFi property
- CFM-4411 Fix CVEs in bouncycastle
- CFM-4412 Fix CVE-2024-32888 in redshift
- CFM-4374 update spring-core to latest 6.0.x
- CDPDFX-2216 Use the SAN from X509Certificate instead of CN
- CDPDFX-2216 Refactored methods incompatible with Java 8
- CDPDFX-2216 Corrected character set usage and dependency declaration
- CDPDFX-2216 Added HeaderX509CertificateExtractor
- CDPDFX-2216 Switch to using StringUtils.isNotBlank
- CDPDFX-2216 Add dev mode groups to anonymous user when dev mode is enabled
- CDPDFX-2470 Ensure anonymous user has idp groups populated - Remove RunOnceIT - CDPDFX-2597: Appending the context path to any entry in localStorage.
- CDPDFX-4049 Initial setup of FlowDesignerClient and Redis implementation
- CDPDFX-6081 More fixes after rebase to 1.18.0 - CPDFX-6081 Fix ignite NAR version to 1.18.0 - CDPDFX-6081 Fix versions in nifi-hashicorp-vault poms - CDPDFX-6081 Use regular gcs version in poms, RE scripts will do version replacement - CDPDFX-6081 Add addition log4j 2 exclusions to ranger poms
- CDPDFX-6130 Adding null check before resolving sensitive parameter
- CDPDFX-6285 Use flow designer id in flow control event handler
- CDPDFX-6285 Passing through flow designer id during component creation
- CDPDFX-6813 Add more bouncycastle exclusions, fix poms
- CDPDFX-6813 Fix use of flow comparator in standard flow change event handler
- CDPDFX-6813 Fix pom versions to 1.20.0 after rebase - CFM Fix problems, caused by downstream library differencies - CFM: Some reason releng build is unable to resolve guava from asana dep pom.xml [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project nifi-asana-services-api: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.nifi:nifi-asana-services-api:jar: Failed to collect dependencies at com.asana:asana:jar:1.0.0 ->[31.1,): No versions available for[31.1,) within specified range -> [Help 1] - CFM Fix asana guava dependency resolving - CFM - Fix guava resolving problem Some reason downstream library is not able to resolve guava version, when version is defined with [31.1,) format
- CDPDFX-6813 Remove duplicate NAR in assembly - CDPDFX-6831 Fix publishing of controller service bulletins
- CDPDFX-6848 Ensuring that all child components are included in each published BulletinGroup. This separation allows them to not be pruned when there are many other descendent components.
- CDPDFX-6854 Correcting process group ID mapping in flow bulletin task
- CDPDFX-7171 Correcting resolution of VCI for scheduled state changes
- CDPDFX-7192 Add lastModifier field to FlowChangeEvent, set lastModifier when publishing state change events
- CDPDFX-7379 Use identity state lookup when determining affected components for a PG sync, Ensure VCI is set back to original value if an exception is encountered during pg sync, Updated StandardScheduledStateListener to use VCI from the passed in FD PG
- CDPDFX-7395 Resolving bug in bulk actions as applied to nested groups
- CDPDFX-7445 Adding requestId to FlowChangeEvent
- CDPDFX-7517 Fixing NPE when publishing flow change events for bulk actions, publishing events on initially stopping components
- CDPDFX-7757 Fixes after rebasing to Apache 1.23.2
- CDPDFX-7815 Fix atlas dependencies for upgrading to CDP 7.2.17 dependencies
- CDPDFX-8320 Removing nifi-pulsar-nar, which was not compatible with 2.X
- CDPDFX-8348 Updating NiFiRecordSerDe for NIFI-9458 changes
- CDPDFX-8350 Adding python extensions autoloading
- CDPDFX-8623 Updating snakeyaml and postgresql versions
- CDPDFX-8623 Updating COS API version, Upgrading dependencies for CVEs, removing Kite, Upgrading dependencies for CVEs, Remediating Heimdall findings
- CDPDFX-8804 Adding Swagger 1 annotations to domain model
- CDPDFX-8878 Adding support for createConfigurationContext in StandardFlowChangeEventHandler - This allows Flow Designer to continue to work with recent changes from 2.0.0-M2
- CDPDFX-9164 Fixing FlowDesignerEventIT
- CDPDFX-9174 Correcting loadBalancerStrategy enum on VersionedConnection
- CDPDFX-9263 extend manifest generation to add dependencies for property descriptors in case of python processors
- NIFI-10976 Added Previous Cluster State Provider configuration
- NIFI-13722 Kerberos ticket renewal issue due static thread pool in Iceberg library
- NIFI-13593 PutIceberg issue with decimal scale
- NIFI-12939 Retry Kerberos login on authentication failure in Iceberg processors
- NIFI-12697 Allow disabling scientific notation when writing JSON
- NIFI-13872 extend manifest generation to add dependencies for property descriptors in case of python processors
- NIFI-13971 Removed Parameter Context debug logging in Flow Synchronizer
- NIFI-13831 Adding inheritance to versioned component synchronizer parameter context synchronization when considering referencing components to restart
- NIFI-13831 Adding inheritance to versioned component synchronizer parameter context synchronization when considering referencing components to restart
- NIFI-13184 mark invalid processors to start once they become valid
- NIFI-12755 Upgraded Jetty from 12.0.5 to 12.0.6
- NIFI-13365 Fix unit tests running in kubernetes pod
- NIFI-13604 Python Source processors can be triggered without creating new FlowFiles
- NIFI-13528 fixed Python processor's customValidate function
- NIFI-13427 Added FlowFileSource interface for Python Processors
- NIFI-13396 Added Python constant Allowable Values to Manifests
- NIFI-13394 Check candidate directory for python command
- NIFI-13324 Set FlowFile attributes for Python Processors on failure
- NIFI-13433 Fixed PutChroma handling of list values in properties
- NIFI-13118 Add LANGUAGE to property_descriptor list
- NIFI-13042 Support Python 3.12 for Python Processors
- NIFI-12970 Generate documentation for Python Processors
- NIFI-12740 Fixed Python to Java Object Binding
- NIFI-12959 Support loading Python processors from NARs
- NIFI-12913 Corrected NPE for Python Log Listener ID
- NIFI-12514 Added Windows support for Python venv
- NIFI-12884 Corrected documentation for python debugging
- NIFI-11443 Route Python Framework Logging to SLF4J
- NIFI-12791 Added pillow-heif to ParseDocument Processor
- NIFI-12232 Corrected Group Component ID Handling for Clustered Flows
- NIFI-12693 Moved notification of python process that a Processor was removed to a background (virtual) thread. Also noted in testing that in one instance a Python Processor never became valid because it had cached property descriptors before the processor was fully initialized, so updated code to ensure that we do not cache values before initialization is completed.
- NIFI-12659 Respawn Python Processes on Unexpected Termination
- NIFI-12675 Fixed custom Relationships with Python Processors
- NIFI-12757 Issue GC commands to Python for FlowFileTransformResults and RecordTransformResults when no longer needed on Java side
- NIFI-12739 Import ProcessPoolExecutor to fix bug in python 3.9+
- NIFI-12740 Fixed Threading Bug with Java to Python Bound Objects
- NIFI-12675 Fixed custom Relationships with Python Processors
- NIFI-12616 Added Processor Documentation Support for Python
- NIFI-12591 Upgraded from Swagger Annotations 1.6.12 to 2.2.20
- NIFI-12766 Fixed Region handling for AWS Assume Role Credentials
- NIFI-12636 Upgrade dependencies for Pinecone, ChromaDB and OpenAI processors
- NIFI-12676 Fixed Servlet Registration in HandleHttpRequest
- NIFI-12394 Fixed Service references for Migrated Configurations
- NIFI-11739 Add ability to ignore missing fields in PutIceberg
- NIFI-11177 Add defensive code for null values for Iceberg
- NIFI-11716 Backported nifi-schema-inference-utils from NIFI-11241
- NIFI-11907 Backport from NIFI-11241 for JSON Schema Inference
- NIFI-11916 Iceberg processor extensibility improvement
- NIFI-11334 Fixed PutIceberg processor instance interference due to same class loader usage
- NIFI-11817 Improve ListHDFS extensibility
- NIFI-11178 Improve ListHDFS performance, incremental loading refactor.
- NIFI-10976 Replaced toUnmodifiableList() with toList() for Java 8
- NIFI-10975 Add Kubernetes Leader Election and State Provider
- NIFI-12646 Set Python Processor version to 2.0.0-M2
- NIFI-12668 Fix conflict in Registry Git provider with gpg.format=ssh
- NIFI-12664 Removed deprecated DMC in GetHBase
- NIFI-12676 Fixed Servlet Registration in HandleHttpRequest
- NIFI-12611 Introduce the ability to view and clear state for extension types that support state.
- NIFI-12500 Add dynamic target for Get/Set/SendTrapSNMP
- NIFI-12387 Initialize Controller Service Comments with Empty String
- NIFI-12666 Corrected Registry Data Source Configuration
- NIFI-12596 PutIceberg is missing case-insensitive Record type handling in List and Map types
- NIFI-12660 Added missing Filter property to QueryPinecone
- NIFI-12657 Removed MiNiFi C2 Server modules
- NIFI-12656 Upgraded vite for new frontend from 4.5.1 to 4.5.2
- NIFI-12653 Upgraded Spring from 6.0.15 to 6.0.16
- NIFI-12654 Upgraded Netty from 4.1.105 to 4.1.106
- NIFI-12652 Upgraded SLF4J from 2.0.9 to 2.0.11
- NIFI-12650 Upgraded json-path from 2.8.0 to 2.9.0
- NIFI-12506 Added Threading for Status Analytics Retrieval
- NIFI-12501 Encrypt MiNiFi bootstrap properties
- NIFI-12554 Moved JoltTransformJSON and JoltTransformRecord to nifi-jolt-nar
- NIFI-12647 Added MultiProcessorUseCase for ListFile/FetchFile together
- NIFI-8606 Added Disable & Configure button to the Controller Services Details dialog
- NIFI-12629 adding metadata filtering to QueryPinecone
- NIFI-12402 Added Wait for Activity to MonitorActivity
- NIFI-12506 Added Threading for Status Analytics Retrieval
- NIFI-12640 Moved servlet-api and jetty-schemas to nifi-jetty-bundle
- NIFI-12634 Ignored Blank Prefix Values in Kubernetes Components
- NIFI-12616 Added Processor Documentation Support for Python
- NIFI-12638 Add Use Case on how to use QueryRecord as a router
- NIFI-12637 Handle migrating Proxy properties for InvokeHTTP
- NIFI-12635 Upgraded Slack client from 1.36.1 to 1.37.0
- NIFI-12631 Upgraded Apache MINA SSHD from 2.11.0 to 2.12.0
- NIFI-12628 Upgraded Netty from 4.1.104 to 4.1.105
- NIFI-12627 Extract nifi-file-transfer from nifi-standard-processors
- NIFI-12613 Renamed asDescribedValue() to asAllowableValue()
- NIFI-11294 Support Component State Checkpoints in ConsumeAzureEventHub
- NIFI-12625 Listed Supported Python Versions in Docs
- NIFI-12619 Fixed Python dependencies in ParseDocument
- NIFI-12590 Added Prefix Properties for Kubernetes Leases and ConfigMaps
- NIFI-12394 Fixed Service references for Migrated Configurations
- NIFI-12604 Empty Queue
- NIFI-12621 Upgraded AWS SDK from 2.20.148 to 2.23.3
- NIFI-12620 Upgraded JLine from 3.24.1 to 3.25.0
- NIFI-8278 Fixed Proxy Service property in Azure Storage processors
- NIFI-12623 Expose ability to fetch User Details in ListenSlack and receive App Mention events
- NIFI-11958 Added PutAzureDataExplorer and StandardKustoQueryService
- NIFI-12596 PutIceberg is missing case-insensitive Record type handling in List and Map types
- NIFI-9458 Replaced SimpleDateFormat with DateTimeFormatter
- NIFI-12615 fix ExpressionChanged error on Counters page. NIFI-12618 Upgraded Azure SDK BOM from 1.2.18 to 1.2.19
- NIFI-11389 Fixed controller services's link to referencing controller
- NIFI-12441 Added No Tracking Strategy to ListS3 NIFI-12593 Added Include all violations property to ValidateCsv
- NIFI-12597 Introducing a common navigation bar across all pages
- NIFI-12612 In asn1 bundle handle OBJECT IDENTIFIER type as string.
- NIFI-12573 Improved support for Enums in ProperyDescriptor.Builder
- NIFI-11288 Add AWS STS dependency for AssumeRolWithWebIdentity method
- NIFI-8278 Added Credentials Type to ADLSCredentalsControllerService
- NIFI-12608 Add nifi-standard-services-api-nar to Processor Archetype
- NIFI-12610 Corrected default_value example in Python Developer guide
- NIFI-12594 ListS3 - observe min/max object age when entity state tracking is used
- NIFI-12588 Flow Analysis Rules
- NIFI-12606 Upgrade parent Apache POM to version 31
- NIFI-12607 remove kernel 2.6 TIMED_WAIT documentation
- NIFI-12589 Queue Listing
- NIFI-12561 Fixed MergeContent DELIMITER_STRATEGY_NONE Handling
- NIFI-12599 Added READ_FILESYSTEM Permissions to Lookup Services
- NIFI-12548 Policy Management
- NIFI-12602 Upgraded follow-redirects from 1.15.2 to 1.15.4
- NIFI-12600 Upgraded Apache Maven from 3.9.5 to 3.9.6
- NIFI-12592 Upgraded Apache Curator from 5.5.0 to 5.6.0
- NIFI-12530 Support CREATE TABLE in Oracle database adapters
- NIFI-12591 Upgraded from Swagger Annotations 1.6.12 to 2.2.20
- NIFI-12572 Updated nifi-azure-bundle using current API methods
- NIFI-12434 Upgraded Registry to Spring Framework 6.1.1
- NIFI-12089 Fix typo in additionalDetails of CSVReader
- NIFI-11583 Removed nifi-ignite-nar module from assembly