Sample YAML configuration file

You customize a YAML file generated by the HMS Mirror dry run for your migration by looking at an example YAML.

    # Set for Hive 1/2 environments
    legacyHive: false
    # Is the 'Hadoop COMPATIBLE File System' used to prefix data locations for this cluster.
    # It is mainly used as the transfer location for metadata (export)
    # If the primary storage for this cluster is 'hdfs' than use 'hdfs://...'
    # If the primary storage for this action is cloud storage, use the
    #    cloud storage prefix. IE: s3a://my_bucket
    hcfsNamespace: "hdfs://hdp_test:8020"
      # URI is the Hive JDBC URL in the form of:
      # jdbc:hive2://<server>:<port>
      # See docs for restrictions
      uri: "jdbc:hive2://<Hive Server2 Host>:10000"
        user: "hive"
        password: "hive"
      # Standalone jar file used to connect via JDBC to the LEFT environment Hive Server 2
      # NOTE: Hive 3 jars will NOT work against Hive 1.  The protocol isn't compatible.
      jarFile: "/root/.hms-mirror/aux_libs/hive-jdbc-"
    legacyHive: false
    # Is the 'Hadoop COMPATIBLE File System' used to prefix data locations for this cluster.
    # It is mainly used to as a baseline for where "DATA" will be transfered in the