Importing Ranger AWS S3 policies

Learn how to import the transformed HDFS native permissions into the Ranger AWS S3 service of the target CDP cluster using the Authzmigrator tool.

  • You must have extracted, converted, and transformed the native HDFS permissions into Ranger AWS S3 policy format.
  • Ensure that the RANGER_ADMIN role is up and running in the Cloudera Manager/CDP One portal of the target environment.
  1. Log in to the RANGER_ADMIN portal with administrator user credentials or user privileges as ADMIN.
    1. From Settings > User/Groups/Roles > Search, search for the "ranger" user.
    2. Click the "ranger" user and change its role to "Admin", and save the changes.
  2. Download and copy the file to the /opt directory of the migration cluster node (or a Data Lake node of the cloud cluster).
  3. Extract the file into the /opt directory.
    The authz-ingest file contains the following directories:
    • config-files
    • scripts
  4. If Ranger is TLS/SSL enabled using Cloudera Manager AUTO-TLS, then copy the cm-auto-global-truststore.jks file from the Ranger admin process directory of the Ranger admin host to /opt/authz-ingest/config-files/ of the migration tool host. Perform these steps to find the location of the Ranger admin process directory:
    1. Run the following command to get to the Ranger admin process:
      ps -ef | grep proc_rangeradmin
    2. Search for the -cp option from the output of the above command and look for "/var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/<ID>-ranger-RANGER_ADMIN"
    If you have set up SSL manually or using a different method, then copy the file that you have created for trust stores to the /opt/authz-ingest/config-files directory.

    For example, cp /path/to/cm-auto-global_truststore.jks /opt/authz-ingest/config-files/

  5. Export the following environment variables to the target cluster Ranger:
    • JAVA_HOME - Java home path used on the cluster
    • RANGER_ADMIN_URL - URL of the Ranger Admin portal
    • RANGER_ADMIN_SSL_ENABLED - Indicates if SSL is enabled or disabled
    • RANGER_ADMIN_TRUSTORE_PASSWORD - If Ranger is TLS/SSL enabled using Cloudera Manager AUTO-TLS, then the password can be found in the Ranger host file, /etc/hadoop/conf/ssl-client.xml, property — 'ssl.client.truststore.password'
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_232-cloudera/
    export RANGER_ADMIN_URL=<ranger admin url with port>
    export RANGER_ADMIN_SSL_ENABLED=<true or false>
    export RANGER_ADMIN_TRUSTORE_PASSWORD=<ssl.client.truststore.password>
  6. Go to /opt/authz-ingest/config-files and open the authorization-migration-site.xml file.
    The authorization-migration-site.xml contains the following properties:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <value />
  7. Search for the authorization.migration.ranger.import.input_file property in the authorization-migration-site.xml file and provide the location of the transformed HDFS permissions file as the property value.
    If you are unable to find this property, then add the property in the file.
  8. For Kerberos-based authentication, perform the following steps:
    1. Find the Ranger admin keytab location and provide it in the following command:
      export RANGER_ADMIN_KEYTAB_PATH=/path/to/ranger.keytab
      In the CDEP cluster, ranger keytab is available in the ranger host location /cdep/keytabs/rangeradmin.keytab or under the ranger admin process directory — /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/<ranger-process-ID>-ranger-RANGER_ADMIN
    2. If your ranger node and migration node are different, copy the ranger keytab to the migration node.
    3. Run the klist command on the migration node to view the list of Kerberos principals available in the keytab — ${RANGER_ADMIN_KEYTAB_PATH}
      klist -kt ${RANGER_ADMIN_KEYTAB_PATH}
    4. Run the following kinit command and update _HOST and REALM correctly.
      kinit -kt ${RANGER_ADMIN_KEYTAB_PATH} rangeradmin/_HOST@REALM
  9. For non-Kerberos authentication, add the following properties in the /opt/authz-ingest/config-files/authorization-migration-site.xml file with the appropriate values, and then save and close the file.
  10. Go to the /opt/authz-ingest/scripts directory and run the import script.
    If the import operation fails, look for details in the output of the command printed in the terminal window or see the target Ranger admin log files.
After the import operation is complete, the authzmigrator tool displays the total policies count, created, skipped, and failed policies count. You can refer to the console output logs to verify if policies are imported or not.

Completed import operation for Ranger policies