Ranger Authorization
Using Ranger to Provide Authorization in CDP
Ranger special entities
Ranger Policies Overview
Ranger tag-based policies
Tags and policy evaluation
Ranger access conditions
Using the Ranger Console
Accessing the Ranger console
Ranger console navigation
Resource-based Services and Policies
Configuring resource-based services
Configure a resource-based service: ADLS
Configure a resource-based service: Atlas
Configure a resource-based service: HBase
Configure a resource-based service: HDFS
Configure a resource-based service: Hive
Configure a resource-based service: Kafka
Configure a resource-based service: Knox
Configure a resource-based service: NiFi
Configure a resource-based service: NiFi Registry
Configure a resource-based service: S3
Configure a resource-based service: Solr
Configure a resource-based service: YARN
Configuring resource-based policies
Configure a resource-based policy: ADLS
Configure a resource-based policy: Atlas
Configure a resource-based policy: HBase
Configure a resource-based policy: HDFS
Configure a resource-based policy: HadoopSQL
Configure a resource-based storage handler policy: HadoopSQL
Configure a resource-based policy: Kafka
Configure a resource-based policy: Knox
Configure a resource-based policy: NiFi
Configure a resource-based policy: NiFi Registry
Configure a resource-based policy: S3
Configure a resource-based policy: Solr
Configure a resource-based policy: YARN
Wildcards and variables in resource-based policies
Preloaded resource-based services and policies
Importing and exporting resource-based policies
Import resource-based policies for a specific service
Import resource-based policies for all services
Export resource-based policies for a specific service
Export all resource-based policies for all services
Row-level filtering and column masking in Hive
Row-level filtering in Hive with Ranger policies
Dynamic resource-based column masking in Hive with Ranger policies
Dynamic tag-based column masking in Hive with Ranger policies
Tag-based Services and Policies
Adding a tag-based service
Adding tag-based policies
Using tag attributes and values in Ranger tag-based policy conditions
Adding a tag-based PII policy
Default EXPIRES ON tag policy
Importing and exporting tag-based policies
Import tag-based policies
Export tag-based policies
Create a time-bound policy
Ranger Security Zones
Adding a Ranger security zone
Administering Ranger Users, Groups, Roles, and Permissions
Add a user
Edit a user
Delete a user
Add a group
Edit a group
Delete a group
Add a role through Ranger
Add a role through Hive
Edit a role
Delete a role
Add or edit permissions
Administering Ranger Reports
View Ranger reports
Search Ranger reports
Export Ranger reports
Using Ranger client libraries
Using session cookies to validate Ranger policies