Fixed Issues in Cloudera Manager 7.1.3

This topic lists the issues that have been fixed in Cloudera Manager since the previous release of Cloudera Manager.

Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-57414: Ozone Ranger default policies should allow bucket creation for 'hive' user to s3v volume.
Ranger's default policy now allows Hive user access to an Ozone s3v volume.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-57254: Agent reporting hangs indefinitely when there is a problem with the SSL connection.
Fixed an issue that occurred when the agent encountered a problem with the SSL connection while reporting to the HostMonitor. Reporting hung indefinitely causing the entire node to be marked as in Bad Health. Now, a problem with the SSL connection will no longer block the agent from reporting.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-56870: Provide a way for non-administrators to get the truststore password
The API endpoints /api/v40/certs/truststore and /api/v40/certs/truststorePassword are now accessible by users with read-only permissions. These APIs return the truststore and truststore password that is configured with the Cloudera Manager TLS/SSL Client Trust Store File Location and Cloudera Manager TLS/SSL Client Trust Store Password configuration parameters, respectively.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-56479: Different clusters using same Cloudera Manager are gathering collection metrics from all Solr services and displaying all the collections from all the clusters.
Fixed an issue where different clusters managed by the same Cloudera Manager instance and having multiple Solr services were displaying every collection for every service under the Collection tab.
Different clusters managed by the same Cloudera Manager instance and having multiple HBase services were displaying every HTable for every service under the HTable tab.
Now, collection statistics are only shown for the correct specific HBase or Solr instance.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-56130: Ozone Gateway Advanced Configuration Snippets are not included in the Ozone client configuration
Ozone configuration properties specified in the Ozone Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for ozone-conf/ozone-site.xml configuration property are now included in the client configurations.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-57377: Cloudera Manager allows addition of multiple Role Instances for Storage Container Manager
Fixed an issue where multiple Ozone Storage Container Manger (SCM) instances could be added using Cloudera Manager. Cloudera Manager now only allows one instance to be added per Ozone service.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-57560: "Setup HDFS Data at Rest Encryption" shows as red even with RangerKMS enabled
Fixed an issue where "Setup HDFS Data at Rest Encryption" under CM -> Administration -> Security showed as red even after Ranger KMS was enabled.