Known Issues in HDFS

Learn about the known issues in HDFS, the impact or changes to the functionality, and the workaround.

OPSAPS-60958: The dfs.access.time.precision and dfs.namenode.accesstime.precision parameters are available in Cloudera Manager > HDFS > Configuration.
You must configure both the dfs.access.time.precision and dfs.namenode.accesstime.precision parameters with the same value as Cloudera Manager still sends both the parameters to HDFS service configuration.
OPSAPS-55788: WebHDFS is always enabled. The Enable WebHDFS checkbox does not take effect.
Unsupported Features
The following HDFS features are currently not supported in Cloudera Data Platform:

Technical Service Bulletins

TSB 2021-458: Possible HDFS Erasure Coded (EC) Data Files Corruption in EC Reconstruction
Cloudera has detected two bugs that can cause corruption of HDFS Erasure Coded (EC) files during the data reconstruction process.

The first bug can be hit during DataNode decommissioning. Due to a bug in the data reconstruction logic during decommissioning, some parity blocks may be generated with a content of all zeros.

The second issue occurs in a corner case when a DataNode times out in the reconstruction process. It will reschedule a read from another good DataNode. However, the stale DataNode reader may have polluted the buffer and subsequent reconstruction which uses the polluted buffer will suffer from EC block corruption.

Knowledge article
For the latest update on this issue see the corresponding Knowledge article: Cloudera Customer Advisory: Possible HDFS Erasure Coded (EC) Data Files Corruption in EC Reconstruction