Core Configuration Service
The Core Configuration Service allows you to create clusters without the HDFS service.
Minimum Required Role: Configurator (also provided by Cluster Administrator, Limited Cluster Administrator , and Full Administrator)
The Core Configuration service allows you to create more types of clusters without having to include the HDFS service. Previously, the HDFS service was required in many cases even when data was not being stored in HDFS because some services like Sentry and Spark required cluster-wide configuration files that Cloudera Manager deploys within the HDFS service. The Core Configuration service provides this configuration in a standalone fashion and thus eliminates the need for an HDFS service for certain types of clusters where no HDFS storage is required (e.g. Kudu, Kafka, or ‘Compute’ clusters using exclusively object storage like S3 or ADLS). The Core Configuration service is also useful when creating a Compute cluster that accesses data on an HDFS service located in the Base cluster.
You can add the Core Configuration service in the following ways:
When installing a Cloudera Runtime cluster using the installation wizard you can select the Core Configuration from the list of services.
When adding a new cluster using the Add Cluster wizard, you can select the Core Configuration from the list of services.
You can add the Core Configuration service to an existing cluster that does not include HDFS:
- Open the Cloudera Manager Admin Console and navigate to the cluster where you want to add the service.
- Click Actions > Add Service
- Select Core Configuration from the list of services.
- Click Continue.
- Follow the prompts on the screen to complete adding the service.