Verify your Operational Database powered by Apache Accumulo installation

You can verify your Operational Database powered by Apache Accumulo (OpDB) installation using the Accumulo shell.

  • Install the OpDB CSD file.
  • Install CDP and add the HDFS and ZooKeeper services to your deployment.
  • Install the OpDB parcel.
  • Add the Accumulo on CDP service to your deployment.
  • Check trace table.
  • Provide user permissions.
  1. Launch the Accumulo shell for the admin user.
    • Unsecure OpDB
      $ accumulo shell -u root
      Password: ******
      Shell - Apache Accumulo Interactive Shell
      - version: [***ACCUMULO VERSION NUMBER***]
      - instance name: [***ACCUMULO INSTANCE NAME***]
      - instance id: [***ACCUMULO INSTANCE ID***]
      - type 'help' for a list of available commands
    • Secure OpDB
      kinit -kt /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/[***TIMESTAMP***]-[***SERVICE NAME***]-[***INSTANCE NAME***]/accumulo_on_cdp.keytab accumulo/$[***HOSTNAME***]
      accumulo shell
      Shell - Apache Accumulo Interactive Shell
      - version: [***ACCUMULO VERSION NUMBER***]
      - instance name: [***ACCUMULO INSTANCE NAME***]
      - instance id: [***ACCUMULO INSTANCE ID***]
      - type 'help' for a list of available commands
  2. Run the following commands to verify your installation:
    1. Create a table: createtable test
      The test table is created and becomes the current table.
    2. List the admin user's permission and ensure it has admin and system level privileges: userpermission
    3. Please note, on a secure cluster the user creating the table does not get access to the new table by default. On a secure cluster these permissions have to be set manually:
      'grant Table.READ -t test -u accumulo/hostname@REALM.COM'
      'grant Table.WRITE -t test -u accumulo/hostname@REALM.COM'
      'grant Table.ALTER_TABLE -t test -u accumulo/hostname@REALM.COM'
      'grant Table.DROP_TABLE -t test -u accumulo/hostname@REALM.COM'
    4. Insert some rows to the test table:
      insert row f1 q1 v1
      insert row f2 q2 v2
      insert row f3 q3 v3
    5. Scan the table: scan
      row f1:q1 [] v1
      row f2:q2 [] v2
      row f3:q3 [] v3
    6. Delete the test table: root@accumulo test> deletetable
      Table: [test] has been deleted.
The following example shows the verification of an unsecured OpDB installation:
root@accumulo> createtable test
root@accumulo test> userpermissions

Namespace permissions (accumulo): Namespace.READ, Namespace.ALTER_TABLE

Table permissions (accumulo.metadata): Table.READ, Table.ALTER_TABLE
Table permissions (accumulo.replication): Table.READ
Table permissions (accumulo.root): Table.READ, Table.ALTER_TABLE
Table permissions (test): Table.READ, Table.WRITE, Table.BULK_IMPORT, Table.ALTER_TABLE, Table.GRANT, Table.DROP_TABLE, Table.GET_SUMMARIES
Table permissions (trace): Table.READ, Table.WRITE, Table.BULK_IMPORT, Table.ALTER_TABLE, Table.GRANT, Table.DROP_TABLE, Table.GET_SUMMARIES
root@accumulo test> insert row f1 q1 v1
root@accumulo test> insert row f2 q2 v2
root@accumulo test> insert row f3 q3 v3
root@accumulo test> scan
row f1:q1 [] v1
row f2:q2 [] v2
row f3:q3 [] v3
root@accumulo test> deletetable
deletetable { test } (yes|no)? yes
Table: [test] has been deleted.