Behavioral Changes in Apache Phoenix

Learn about the change in certain functionality of Apache Phoenix that has resulted in a change in behavior from the previously released version to this version of Cloudera Runtime.


Apache Phoenix client JAR file name change.

Previous behavior:
The Apache Phoenix client JAR is named phoenix-client-[***VERSION***].
New behavior:
The Apache Phoenix client JAR is named phoenix-client-hbase-[***SUPPORTED HBASE VERSION***]-[***PHOENIX VERSION***]. For example, phoenix-client-hbase-2.2-5.1.0. You can continue to use the phoenix-client.jar name in your application development. Symlinks ensure that you do not get any issues.

Phoenix-Spark and Phoenix-Hive connector JAR file locations.

Previous behavior:
The Phoenix-Spark and Phoenix-Hive connecters are located in the archive file in the Cloudera repository.
New behavior:
The Phoenix-Spark and Phoenix-Hive connecters are located in the archive file in the Cloudera repository.