Fixed Issues in Apache Ranger

Review the list of Ranger issues that are resolved in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.6.

CDPD-21942: After cluster upgrades from HDP3.1.5 to CDP 7.1.6, Kafka plugin policy import fails with errors.
Corrects the inconsistent data from the database. This issue is resolved.
OPSAPS-54567: Ability to install NiFi/Kafka clusters with Ranger/Solr but no HDFS.
Ranger doesn't have a hard dependency on HDFS anymore. Components depending on Ranger (and transitively on Solr) can be installed on a cluster having Core Configuration service instead of HDFS. This issue is resolved.
OPSAPS-59481: Add default value to ranger.ldap.user.dnpattern in Cloudera Manager.
Add validation for ranger.ldap.user.dnpattern. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-21849: After upgrade to 7.1.5 unable to update user in usersync.
Added back support to allow usersearchenabled flag to be configurable (true or false) while retrieve users/groups from AD/LDAP. Default value is "true". When this configuration is set to false, then users are retrieved based on groupmemberattribute. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-14939: Audit logs are too verbose.
Added capability to specify audit filters. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-21611: HBase command authorization issue in Ranger.
  1. "list_namespace" -> user who has "ADMIN" privilege can run this successfully else authorization error will occur.
  2. "list_namespace_table" -> user can have any of the permission ( RWCA) on the namespace to list the tables.
  3. "list" -> user should have Create/Admin privilege to list tables.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-20686: HBase list command authorization issue in Ranger.
  1. "list_namespace" -> user who has "ADMIN" privilege can run this successfully else authorization error will occur.
  2. "list_namespace_table" -> user can have any of the permission ( RWCA) on the namespace to list the tables.
  3. "list" -> user should have Create/Admin privilege to list tables.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-19924: HDFS Audit does not capture HDFS writes or renames properly.
Ranger Audit will have the correct FileName which is taking part in the operation. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-22408: HDP deploy fails: ranger services are missing.
Fixed failures during service repo creation by adding retry logic for creating service users. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-20361: Improvement for FIPS changes on Ranger Code Base.
FIPS support enhancements. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-21649: RMS support to HiveMetaStore API for optimal data download - getTables API for ACL Sync.
Use optimized API from HMS. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-18273: Ranger - Upgrade to TLS to version 1.2 and above.
Disabled TLS versions that are less than 1.2 for Ranger. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-15630: Ranger API to delete a service in Ranger based on cluster name.
Added Ranger API to delete a service in Ranger based on cluster name. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-13866: Ranger Access audit improvements.
Make table columns resizable and Allow users to select columns. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-21704: Ranger Auditor role (API compatibility).
Fixed access for servicedef GET API. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-21799: Ranger Database deadlock while migrating from CDH 5.14.0 to CDH 7.1.5.
Created individual DB transactions for each create/update user when the request comes from usersync in order to avoid possible DB deadlock that is causing service creation failures. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-22348: Ranger HBase resource lookup fails with "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/htrace/core/Tracer".
Fixed Hbase resource lookup. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-20299: Ranger Hive policy with nested Roles failed to authorize request.
Roles/Groups in Nested Roles will be authorized in the Hive operations. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-21724: Ranger LDAP for Usersync-- issue seems to be around usage of bcfks file.
The keystore type and truststore type configuration for LDAPS are not honored properly. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-21010: Ranger ShutdownHook hook to be called in RangerHBaseCoprocessor preShutdown APIs for a clean shutdown of HBase.
For a clean shutdown of HBase, Ranger ShutdownHook hook to be called in RangerHBaseCoprocessor preShutdown APIs. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-22264: Ranger UI is breaking when hitting user-profile (protected url) after logout.
Resolved Ranger UI issue being broken after logout in Firefox. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-20730: Remove global JAAS Configuration for auditing.
Global JAAS Configuration entry should not be set from ranger plugin auditing code. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-21026: Some policies are not accessible to user.
Fixed issue with delegate admin support for specific permissions. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-22386: Toggle switch does not render after change in resources drop down value.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-23030: Unexpected "Permission denied" when executing hdfs command with RMS enabled.
Fixed RMS initialization errors coming due to inclusion of jersey-server jar coming from Hive, which was of 2.x version. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-17467: Upgrade Tomcat from 7.0.x line.
Tomcat is upgraded to 8.5.61. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-20653: Long tag based service names are not shown correctly.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-20899: Improvement in Ranger UI's Edit Policy page - Button alignment enhancements.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-22733: Usersync failures and intermittent ranger service repo creation failures during startup.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-22463: Use default value for source attribute in enunciate-maven-plugin for ranger-admin.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-22901: Ranger Hive role based grant/revoke failures.
This issue is resolved.

Apache patch information

  • RANGER-3176
  • RANGER-3000
  • RANGER-3168
  • RANGER-3159
  • RANGER-3122
  • RANGER-3094
  • RANGER-3153
  • RANGER-3120
  • RANGER-3130
  • RANGER-3163
  • RANGER-3177
  • RANGER-3122
  • RANGER-3134
  • RANGER-3171
  • RANGER-3140
  • RANGER-3169
  • RANGER-3104
  • RANGER-3176
  • RANGER-3168
  • RANGER-3109
  • RANGER-2972
  • RANGER-3153
  • RANGER-3055
  • RANGER-3094
  • RANGER-3121
  • RANGER-3159
  • RANGER-3175
  • RANGER-3000