Fixed Issues in Apache Impala

Review the list of Impala issues that are resolved in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.7.

CDPD-24305: Table modifications (insert/delete/update) should be blocked when there are any row-filter/column-masking policies on the table that is enabled for the user. Previously, Impala doesn't block the modifications, which is a bug considering to Hive's behavior. This is fixed in this release to make the behaviour consistent with Hive's.
This issue is resolved.
DOCS-7881: Add HAProxy Examples for SSL Impala:
HAProxy needs reload or restart prior 2.1 when the certificate is changed.
The created cm-auto-host_cert_chain_unenckey.pem should be owned by the haproxy user with 600 or 400 privileges.
The cm-auto-host_unenckey.pem could be removed.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-19304: The fix upgraded slf4j to 1.7.30 for Impala and it was merged into 7.2.8.x branch and CDH-7.1-maint branch.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-20456: The fix upgraded jackson to for Impala and it was merged into 7.2.8.x branch and CDH-7.1-maint branch.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-23692: Fixed a bug that causing catalogd come into an infinite loop when the underlying directories of a table/partition is absent in the filesystem
he bug only exists on cloud filesystems like S3 and ABFS. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-24305: Table modifications(insert/delete/update) should be blocked when there are any row-filter/column-masking policies on the table that is enabled for the user. Previously, Impala does not block the modifications, which is a bug considering Hive's behavior. This is fixed in this release to make the behaviour consistent with Hive.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-25435: Kudu supports custom Kerberos principals on server-side and custom SASL protocol (service) names on client-side must match the SPN base.
This fix adds configurable flag variable kudu_sasl_protocol_name in Impala so that Impala users can set it and connect to a Kudu cluster with non-default SPNs. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-10444: Update the version of Atlas used by Impala
Resolves the inconsistency between the versions of jackson-databind used by Atlas and Impala so that you no longer see the exception NoClassDefFoundError after the call to QueryEventHookManager#executeQueryCompleteHooks() in Impala.
CDPD-14548 and CDPD-13701: IMPALA-10060: Update PostgreSQL JDBC Driver (pgjdbc) for Impala (CVE-2020-13692).
Upgrades the library, PostgreSQL JDBC Driver (pgjdbc). The previous version 42.2.5 was affected with vulnerability CVE-2020-13692. It is upgraded to version 42.2.14. This issue is now resolved.
IMPALA-77: Impala does not properly handle HDFS viewfs mounts (federated cluster) - Queries fail with "wrong filesystem" error
This issue is fixed in 1.0 by improving the error message.
CDPD-17612: Impala must change default to default_transaction_type=none
This fix retains legacy behavior for impala by setting "default_transactional_type=none" when a cluster is upgraded. This issue is now resolved.

Apache Patch Information

  • IMPALA-10678
  • IMPALA-10600
  • IMPALA-10579

Technical Service Bulletins

TSB 2021-502: Impala logs the session / operation secret on most RPCs at INFO level

For the latest update on this issue see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB 2021-502: Impala logs the session / operation secret on most RPCs at INFO level