Example: Using the HBase-Spark connector

Learn how to use the HBase-Spark connector by following an example scenario.


In this example we want to store personal data in an HBase table. We want to store name, email address, birth date and height as a floating point number. The contact information (email) is stored in the c column family and personal information (birth date, height) is stored in the p column family. The key in HBase table will be the name attribute.
Spark HBase
Type/Table Person person
Name name: String key
Email address email: String c:email
Birth date birthDate: Date p:birthDate
Height height: Float p:height

Create HBase table

Use the following command to create the HBase table:
shell> create 'person', 'p', 'c'

Insert data (Scala)

Use the following spark code in spark-shell or spark3-shell to insert data into our HBase table:
import java.sql.Date

case class Person(name: String, email: String, birthDate: Date, height: Float)

var personDS = Seq(Person("alice", "alice@alice.com", Date.valueOf("2000-01-01"), 4.5f),  Person("bob", "bob@bob.com", Date.valueOf("2001-10-17"), 5.1f)).toDS

personDS.write.format("org.apache.hadoop.hbase.spark").option("hbase.columns.mapping", "name STRING :key, email STRING c:email, birthDate DATE p:birthDate, height FLOAT p:height").option("hbase.table", "person").option("hbase.spark.use.hbasecontext", false).save()

Insert data (Python)

Use the following spark code in pyspark or pyspark3 to insert data into our HBase table:
from datetime import datetime
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, StringType, DateType, FloatType

data = [("alice","alice@alice.com", datetime.strptime("2000-01-01",'%Y-%m-%d'), 4.5),
    ("bob","bob@bob.com", datetime.strptime("2001-10-17",'%Y-%m-%d'), 5.1)

schema = StructType([ \
    StructField("name",StringType(),True), \
    StructField("email",StringType(),True), \
    StructField("birthDate", DateType(),True), \
    StructField("height", FloatType(), True)
personDS = spark.createDataFrame(data=data,schema=schema)

personDS.write.format("org.apache.hadoop.hbase.spark").option("hbase.columns.mapping", "name STRING :key, email STRING c:email, birthDate DATE p:birthDate, height FLOAT p:height").option("hbase.table", "person").option("hbase.spark.use.hbasecontext", False).save()

Scan data

The previously inserted data can be tested with a simple scan:
shell> scan ‘person’
 alice		column=c:email, timestamp=1568723598292, value=alice@alice.com
 alice		column=p:birthDate, timestamp=1568723598292, value=\x00\x00\x00\xDCl\x87 \x00
 alice		column=p:height, timestamp=1568723598292, value=@\x90\x00\x00
 bob		column=c:email, timestamp=1568723598521, value=bob@bob.com
 bob		column=p:birthDate, timestamp=1568723598521, value=\x00\x00\x00\xE9\x99u\x95\x80
 bob		column=p:height, timestamp=1568723598521, value=@\xA333
2 row(s)

Read data back (Scala)

Use the following snippet in spark-shell or spark3-shell to read the data back:
val sql = spark.sqlContext

val df = sql.read.format("org.apache.hadoop.hbase.spark")
   "name STRING :key, email STRING c:email, " +
     "birthDate DATE p:birthDate, height FLOAT p:height")
 .option("hbase.table", "person")
 .option("hbase.spark.use.hbasecontext", false)

val results = sql.sql("SELECT * FROM personView WHERE name = 'alice'")
The result of this snippet is the following Data Frame:
| name|height|          email| birthDate|
|alice|   4.5|alice@alice.com|2000-01-01|

Read data back (Python)

Use the following snippet in pyspark or pyspark3 to read the data back:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Test HBase Connector from Python").getOrCreate()

df = spark.read.format("org.apache.hadoop.hbase.spark").option("hbase.columns.mapping", "name STRING :key, email STRING c:email, birthDate DATE p:birthDate, height FLOAT p:height").option("hbase.table", "person").option("hbase.spark.use.hbasecontext", False).load()
results = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM personView WHERE name = 'alice'")