Installing the Kafka Connect Role

Learn how to install the Kafka Connect role.

Kafka Connect in CDP is provided in the form of a Kafka service role. The role is called Kafka Connect. Complete the following steps to install the role on an already running Kafka instance.
  1. Select the Kafka service.
  2. Go to Instances.
  3. Click Add Role Instances.
  4. Select hosts for the Kafka Connect role by clicking the Select Hosts box under Kafka Connect.
  5. Select one or more host and click Ok.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Optional: Review and configure the properties available on the Review Changes page based on your cluster and requirements.
  8. Start the Kafka Connect role.
    By default Kafka Connect roles do not start when first added.
    1. Select Kafka Connect roles by checking the checkbox next to each role.
    2. Click Actions for Selected > Start.
    3. Click Start when prompted.

One or more Kafka Connect roles are deployed and running on your cluster.

Configure Streams Messaging Manager for Kafka Connect.