Dynamically Generating Knox Topology Files

Topology files can be dynamically generated from combinations of Provider Configurations and Descriptors, which can be defined using the Knox Admin UI.

In the early days of Knox, you enabled Knox proxy by editing topology files manually. Topology files consisted of 3 things:
  • Provider configurations: e.g., authentication, federation, authentication, authorization, identity assertion, etc
  • HA provider
  • Services: component URLs you want to proxy
You configured each of these things in every topology file.
Most recently, topology files are dynamically generated from combinations of Provider Configurations and Descriptors, defined using the Knox Admin UI. Additionally, these provider configurations and descriptors are now shared- you no longer have to specify configurations (e.g. authentication provider, identity assertion provider, or authorization provider) for each topology file- you define a Provider Configuration or Descriptor and they are shared across all topologies you choose. The Admin UI consists of 3 sections:
  • Provider Configurations: A named set of providers, e.g., authentication, federation, authentication, authorization, identity assertion, etc. Provider configurations can be shared across descriptors/topologies.
  • Descriptors: References the Provider Configurations to declare the policy (authentication, authorization, identity assertion, etc) that goes along with proxying that cluster. Descriptors cannot be shared across topologies; Descriptors and topologies are 1-to-1.
  • Topologies: Dynamically generated based on the Provider Configurations and Descriptors you define.

However- the topologies that are managed by Cloudera Manager should be read-only. Within an Cloudera Manager-managed cluster, the Knox Admin UI is to be used for creating additional topologies. When a Knox instance is not managed by Cloudera Manager, all topology management will be done via the Knox Admin UI.