Cloudera Manager 7.7.1 Cumulative hotfix 4

Know more about the Cloudera Manager 7.7.1 cumulative hotfixes 4.

This cumulative hotfix was released on February 23, 2023.

Following are the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)'s that are fixed in the Cloudera Manager 7.7.1 CHF4 (version: 7.7.1-38008529) release:
  • CVE-2022-41966
Following known issues and their corresponding workarounds are shipped for Cloudera Manager 7.7.1 CHF4 (version: 7.7.1-38008529):
  • OPSAPS-68689: Unable to emit the LDAP Bind password in core-site.xml for client configurations

    If the CDP cluster has LDAP group to OS group mapping enabled, then applications running in Spark or Yarn would fail to authenticate to the LDAP server when trying to use the LDAP bind account during the LDAP group search.

    This is because the LDAP bind password was not passed to the /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml file. This was intended behavior to prevent leaking the LDAP bind password in a clear text field.

    Set the LDAP Bind password through the HDFS client configuration safety valve.
    1. On the Cloudera Manager UI, navigate to the HDFS service, by clicking on the HDFS service under the Cluster.
    2. Click the Configuration tab. Search for the HDFS Client Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hdfs-site.xml configuration parameter.

    3. Add an entry with the following values:
      • Name =
      • Value = (Enter the LDAP bind password here)
      • Description = Password for LDAP bind account
    4. Then click the Save Changes button to save the safety valve entry.

    5. Perform the instructions from the Manually Redeploying Client Configuration Files to manually deploy client configuration files to the cluster.

    OPSAPS-68452: Azul Open JDK 8 and 11 are not supported with Cloudera Manager

    Azul Open JDK 8 and 11 are not supported with Cloudera Manager. To use Azul Open JDK 8 or 11 for Cloudera Manager RPM/DEBs, you must manually create a symlink between the Zulu JDK installation path and the default JDK path.

    After installing Azul Open JDK8 or 11, you must run the following commands on all the hosts in the cluster:
    Azul Open JDK 8
    RHEL or SLES
    # sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-zulu-openjdk-jdk /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk
    Ubuntu or Debian
    # sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/zulu-8-amd64 /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk
    Azul Open JDK 11
    For DEBs only
    # sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/zulu-11-amd64 /usr/lib/jvm/java-11
    Unable to access the Hue UI on a Knox-enabled cluster.
    Before you access the Hue UI on a Knox-enabled cluster, ensure that you add the hostname of the Knox Gateway and Hue Load Balancer hostname in the trusted origin and as a Knox Proxy host. For more information, see Integrate with Knox.
Following are the list of fixed issues that were shipped for Cloudera Manager 7.7.1 CHF4 (version: 7.7.1-38008529)
  • OPSAPS-66197
    Snapshot diff-based (incremental) HDFS to HDFS replication might corrupt destination directory structure when:
    • there is a source side HDFS move/rename operation.
    • the (move/rename) target on the replication destination is an existing unexpected directory.

    OPSAPS-63724 introduced an optional workaround where the target-side directory creations are ignored. When a colliding source-side move is expected both workarounds are recommended to be activated.

    • Set the HDFS service core-site.xml advanced configuration snippet (also called safety valve) (on the destination side) "com.cloudera.enterprise.distcp.overwrite-merge-existing-rename-targets.enabled" to "true". (Note that enabling the workaround in OPSAPS-63724 uses a different advanced configuration snippet).
    • In an incremental replication run, check the stderr log of the last "Trigger a HDFS replication job on one of the available HDFS roles." step and make sure that the INFO distcp.DistCpSync: Overwrite merge of already existing move targets is enabled message is displayed.
    Usage notes:
    • When there is a conflicting replicated source side move/rename operation where - on the destination side - the target exists, there will be a merge attempt:
    • When the source side moved path is a directory and the conflicting destination side path is also a directory their contents will be merged.
    • When the destination side conflicting path is a file it will be overwritten by the replicated move.
    • When the source side moved path is a file the destination side conflicting path will be overwritten by the replicated move.
    • In case of other failures replication is expected to fall back to bootstrap (full file listing) run.

    Details of merge activity (when there is a conflicting path) is logged in the same stderr log with messages containing INFO distcp.DistCpSync$OverwriteMergeRenameBehavior.

  • OPSAPS-66160: Upgraded XStream version
    The XStream version is upgraded to 1.4.20 version to fix CVE-2022-41966 issue.
  • OPSAPS-65958
    After a Hive ACID replication policy is deleted, the database in the replication policy cannot be deleted from the source cluster. This issue is fixed.
  • OPSAPS-65870: Log4J 1.2.17 replaced with Reload4J
    In this release, Cloudera has replaced all Apache Log4j 1.2.x logging libraries included with Cloudera Manager 7.7.1 Cumulative hotfix 3 with equivalent Reload4j libraries.
  • OPSAPS-65733
    The following issues are fixed:
    • Import script incorrectly returns "0" for an unsuccessful import operation.
    • Dry run import of Ranger policies fails.
    • Import operation fails because of deadlock.
  • OPSAPS-64925
    You could configure the numListstatusThreads parameter, that specifies the number of threads to be used for fetching the file statuses, only through CLI and not during the HDFS replication policy creation process. This issue is fixed.
    You can now configure this parameter during HDFS replication policy creation using the Advanced > File listing threads field.
  • OPSAPS-63930
    By default, snapshot diff-based (incremental) HDFS - HDFS replication uses a temp directory, created in the parent of replication destination directory to synchronize source-side rename and delete operations: deleted and renamed paths are first moved into this temporary directory, then the renamed ones will be moved to their target followed by the deletion of this temporary directory (thus deleting the paths scheduled to be deleted). Note that OPSAPS-63759 provides an optional behavior to execute individual deletes without these moves.

    This behavior of incremental replication leads to failure and fallback to bootstrap (full file listing) replication when the replication process can not create this temporary directory (due to restrictive HDFS permissions) or when the replication destination contains one or more HDFS encryption zones (because HDFS moves can not cross encryption zone boundary).

    This optional workaround solves these problems by executing rename operations in-place when possible, otherwise using the best possible temporary rename operations without the need of the above mentioned common temporary directory. Note that this workaround can be considered as a superset of OPSAPS-63759. That is when both are enabled, the current one is applied.

    Activating this workaround:
    • Set HDFS service core-site.xml advanced configuration snippet (on the destination side) "" to "true".
    • In an incremental replication run, check the stderr log of the last "Trigger a HDFS replication job on one of the available HDFS roles." step, and make sure the INFO distcp.DistCpSync: Will use direct rename and delete (for non cloud target) when using snapshot diff based sync. Temp directory creation on the target will be skipped. message is displayed.
    Adjusting delete logging: By default, every 100000 direct delete operations executed by this workaround are logged. This is useful for following the synchronization of large source side deletes. This default interval can be overridden by setting the "" advanced configuration snippet to an integer value greater than 0. Note that this advanced configuration snippet is shared with a workaround in OPSAPS-63759.
    Usage notes: There can be conflicting source side renames and rename - delete interactions when their destination side replay need to use temporary renames (for example, a name swap between two paths using three renames). For these cases, the temporary rename destination will typically be next to the final rename destination (will share the same parent path) avoiding both above mentioned failure scenarios. Such temporary renames will be logged during execution like:
    distcp.DistCpSync: Executing a temp rename: /test-repl-target/test-repl-source/file2 -> /test-repl-target/test-repl-source/file2748016654
    After execution, the number of operations will also be logged like:
    INFO distcp.DistCpSync: Synced 0 through-tmp/cloud rename(s) and 0 through-tmp delete(s) to target.
    INFO distcp.DistCpSync: Synced 2 direct delete(s) to target.
    INFO distcp.DistCpSync: Synced 2 direct rename(s) to target.
    INFO distcp.DistCpSync: Used 2 additional temporary rename(s) during syncing.
  • OPSAPS-63724
    By default, the snapshot diff-based (incremental) HDFS - HDFS replication falls back to bootstrap (full file listing / FFL) replication when there are unexpected target-side changes. By enabling this workaround, certain target-side changes are tolerated by incremental replication without falling back to FFL. Note that when source side HDFS moves are expected to be synchronized the workaround mentioned in OPSAPS-66197 is recommended to be activated.
    Activating this workaround:
    • Set "com.cloudera.enterprise.distcp.check-for-safe-to-merge-target-side-changes.enabled" to "true" in the "YARN Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for core-site.xml" on the destination side, and then restart the stale services / redeploy client configuration. (Note that enabling OPSAPS-66197 uses a different advanced configuration snippet).
    • In an incremental replication run, check the stderr log of the first "Run Pre-Filelisting Check" and make sure the INFO distcp.PreCopyListingCheck: Check for safe to ignore (merge) target side changes is enabled. message appears.
    Usage notes:
    • When a safe-to-ignore target change is found, "Run Pre-Filelisting Check" prints the following messages to its stderr log:
      INFO util.DistCpUtils: There are changes on target, falling back to regular distcp
      NFO distcp.PreCopyListingCheck: The changes on target are safe to ignore.
      INFO distcp.PreCopyListingCheck: Note that it is up to the downstream processing steps if it falls back to full file listing or continue with snapshot diff execution
      INFO distcp.PreCopyListingCheck: Changes to target: true
      INFO distcp.PreCopyListingCheck: Changes to target are safe to ignore: true
    • When target changes are not found safe-to-ignore, then the details about the reason appears in the messages:
      INFO distcp.PreCopyListingCheck: Changes to target: true
      INFO distcp.PreCopyListingCheck: Changes to target are safe to ignore: false
    Allowed changes:
    The following destination side changes (snapshot diff entries) are considered safe-to-ignore when this workaround is enabled:
    • Additions ( + ): only if they are empty directories or contain only directories, all present on the source as directory.
    • Deletions ( - ): only the source side path also missing.
    • Modifications (M): must have an immediate, allowed ( + ) or ( - ) child path.
  • OPSAPS-63571
    Sometimes, entries reported by the HDFS snapshot-diff report for deleted directories appear as modified. This might raise an FileNotFoundException error. In this scenario, you can configure the "com.cloudera.enterprise.distcp.hdfs-snapshot-diff-cleanup.enabled" advanced configuration snippet to address these unexpected entries.
  • OPSAPS-63529
    The "deleteLatestSourceSnapshotOnJobFailure" HDFS policy property could be accessed only using CLI. You can now configure this parameter during HDFS replication policy creation using the Advanced > Restart replication using non-incremental (bootstrap) replication on replication failure field.
  • OPSAPS-63362
    Hive ACID replication policies failed if the source and target clusters have the same HDFS nameservice. This issue is fixed.
  • OPSAPS-63031
    To provide a custom YARN queue for the Replication Metrics Getter command, the administrator can now specify the HIVE_REPL_METRICS_TEZQUEUE_NAME = [***custom yarn queue name***] key-value pair in the "Hive Replication Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve)" for the Hive_on_tez service.

    On the next run, the replication metrics command uses the custom yarn queue for its execution.

  • OPSAPS-63030
    The “Hive replication metrics getter” process failed for some Hive ACID replication policies because the TLS parameters were repeated in the JDBC URL. This issue is fixed.
  • OPSAPS-62612
    The fix for this issue ensures that Replication Manager shows a warning message if there are any Hive ACID tables in the chosen database when you choose an external-tables-only database for a Hive external table replication policy.
  • OPSAPS-62886
    When there are a large number of replication policies, the Cloudera Manager > Replication Manager > Replication Policies page takes a long time to load. This issue is fixed.
  • OPSAPS-63262
    The “Hive on Tez Replication Metrics Getter” commands failed when there were long messages in the replication_metrics table. This issue is fixed.
  • OPSAPS-65419: Hosts page takes too long to load on large clusters

    The All Hosts page sometimes takes more than 10 seconds and is very slow when Cloudera Manager manages a very large cluster such as about a hundred hosts. This performance problem is fixed now by reducing the number of SQLs made to the database. The page load time is now reduced dramatically.

  • OPSAPS-63077: Fix commissioning/recommissioning NodeManager failure in YARN

    When the property is set to zk and YARN Queue Manager is not installed and enabled in a cluster every YARN node decommission causes an exception. With this fix, no refreshQueues command is called when ZooKeeper configuration store is used, but YARN Queue Manager is not.

  • OPSAPS-65242
    Fixed an issue where an Event Server cleanup did not work properly and now it works as intended, uses less CPU and keeps the events within the requested limits.
  • OPSAPS-66022
    When a Hive ACID replication policy run is skipped, the replication policy status incorrectly shows Failed or Error. This issue is fixed.
  • The repositories for Cloudera Manager 7.7.1-CHF4 are listed in the following table:

    Table 1. Cloudera Manager 7.7.1-CHF4
    Repository Type Repository Location
    RHEL 8 Compatible Repository:
    Repository File:
    RHEL 7 Compatible Repository:
    Repository File:
    SLES 12 Repository:
    Repository File:
    Ubuntu 20 Repository:
    Repository file:
    Ubuntu 18 Repository:
    Repository file: