Multi Protocol Access operations using AWS Client

You can run the following commands to run multi protocol access operations using the AWS client.

  1. Writing a new file to FSO bucket
    1. aws s3 cp --endpoint-url ozone.txt s3://fso-bucket/dir1/dir2/dir3/awsfile1
    2. aws s3 cp --endpoint-url ozone.txt s3://fso-bucket/dir1/dir2/dir3/awsfile2
  2. Reading from Ozone Bucket
    1. aws s3api --endpoint get-object --bucket fso-bucket --key /dir1/dir2/dir3/awsfile1 ./ozone_doc
    2. cat ./ozone_doc
  3. Listing Bucket Objects aws s3api --endpoint-url list-objects --bucket fso-bucket
  4. Deleting a file aws s3 rm --endpoint-url s3://fso-bucket/dir1/dir2/dir3/awsfile1
  5. Following operations using Ozone FS commands
    1. Listing directory ozone fs -ls -R ofs://ozone1/s3v/fso-bucket/
    2. Displaying the content of file ozone fs -cat ofs://ozone1/s3v/fso-bucket/dir1/dir2/dir3/awsfile2
  6. Following operations using Ozone Shell commands
    1. Listing Keys ozone sh key list /s3v/fso-bucket/
  7. Following operations using Ozone FS commands
    1. Deleting a file ozone fs -rm -skipTrash ofs://ozone1/s3v/fso-bucket/dir1/dir2/dir3/awsfile2
    2. Deleting a directory ozone fs -rm -R -skipTrash ofs://ozone1/s3v/fso-bucket/dir1/
    3. Listing directories (dir1 should not exist) ozone fs -ls -R ofs://ozone1/s3v/fso-bucket/