Tenant Commands

The following commands assume that the cluster is Kerberized and Ranger enabled.

After setting up the S3 Multi-Tenancy feature, you can create and list tenants, assign users to tenants and also assign admin privileges, revoke admin access or even delete a tenant and so on.

Creating a tenant

To create a new tenant in the Ozone cluster, you must have cluster admin privileges defined in ozone.administrators configuration. When you create a tenant, a volume with the same name will be created. However, tenant name and volume name must be the same and tenant volume cannot be changed after the tenant is created.

To create a new tenant, execute the following command: ozone tenant [--verbose] create <TENANT_NAME>

Listing a tenant

To list all tenants in an Ozone cluster, execute the following command: ozone tenant list [--json]

Assiging a user to a tenant

Only an Ozone cluster administrator can assign the first user to a tenant. After the first user gets admin privileges, the first user can create and assign new users. A user can be assigned multiple tenants.

To assign a user to a tenant, execute the following command: ozone tenant [--verbose] user assign <USER_NAME> --tenant=<TENANT_NAME>

Assigning a user as a tenant admin

Only an Ozone cluster administrator can assign the first user to a tenant along with access key ID/secret pair. After the first user gets admin privileges, the first user can create and assign new users. A user can be assigned multiple tenants.

Both delegated and non-delegated tenant admins can assign and revoke tenant users from their tenant. However, only a delegated admin can assign and revoke the tenant admins from a tenant.

You can be a tenant admin in multiple tenants. However, you will be assigned different access IDs under each tenant.

To assign a user as a tenant admin (the current logged-in user must have Ozone cluster administrator or tenant delegated administrator privilege), execute the following command:
ozone tenant user assignadmin <ACCESS_ID> [-d|--delegated]

Listing users in a tenant

To list users in a tenant, execute the following command: ozone tenant user list [--json] <TENANT_NAME>

Getting tenant user info

To get tenant user’s information, execute the following command: ozone tenant user info [--json] <USER_NAME>

Revoking a tenant admin

To revoke a tenant admin, execute the following command: ozone tenant [--verbose] user revokeadmin <ACCESS_ID>

Revoking user access from a tenant

To revoke the user access from a tenant, execute the following command:

ozone tenant [--verbose] user revoke <ACCESS_ID>

Deleting a tenant

The tenant must be empty and all admin user access revoked before deleting a tenant. This is a safety design to ensure that even if a tenant is deleted, the volume created for the tenant is intact.

To delete a tenant, execute the following command: ozone tenant [--verbose] delete <TENANT_NAME>