Behavioral Changes in Apache Ranger

Learn about the change in certain functionality of Apache Ranger that has resulted in a change in behavior from the previously released version to this version of Cloudera Runtime.

  • [solr] ranger service definition: admin permissions
  • [solr] ranger service definition: collection: query / update access types only
  • [solr] ranger service definition: add new resource type 'admin'
  • [solr] ranger service definition: add new resource type 'schema'
  • [solr] ranger service definition: add new resource type 'config'
Previous behavior:

In versions < 7.1.8, creating a resource-based Solr policy in Ranger did not support admin, schema, and config resources.

New behavior:
In version 7.1.8 +, creating a resource-based Solr policy in Ranger now supports admin, schema, and config resources.