Set up Luna 7 HSM for Ranger KMS w/database

How to integrate Cloudera Ranger Key Management System (KMS) software with the Luna 7 HSM appliance supplied by SafeNet.

This task describes how to set up the Luna 7 hardware security moudule (HSM) supplied by SafeNet. The process inlcudes setting up Luna 7 HSM on a client (host) and using Cloudera Manager to add configuration properties that enable Ranger KMS and Luna 7 HSM to interact.

You must:
  • Acquire the Luna 7 HSM from SafeNet.
  • If the Luna HSM module is configured for FIPS mode, you must add the following additional configuration option to the Luna client:
    /usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin/configurator setValue -s Misc -e RSAKeyGenMechRemap -v 1
  • Have both Ranger KMS and a backend database to store keys installed in your environment.

See related topics for more information about installing Ranger KMS and a database to store keys.

Set Up the Luna 7 Client

  1. Download Luna 7 client on the host where Ranger KMS service resides.
  2. Untar the Luna 7 client.
    tar -xf 610-013144-006_SW_Client_SDK_SafeNet_HSM_7.3.0_Linux_RevA.tar
    the LunaClient_7.3.0-165_Linux/ folder gets created.
  3. Navigate to the Luna client folder.
    cd LunaClient_7.3.0-165_Linux/64/
  4. In the Luna clent folder, install Luna products and components.
    1. At the (y/n) prompt, choose y.

      If you select no or n, this product will not be installed.

    2. At the Products prompt, choose Luna products to be installed:
      • [1]: Luna Network HSM
      • [2]: Luna PCIe HSM
      • [3]: Luna USB HSM
      • [4]: Luna Backup HSM
      • [N|n]: Next
      • [Q|q]: Quit
      Enter selection: 1, then enter selection n.
    3. At the Components prompt, choose Luna Components to be installed
      • [1]: Luna SDK
      • [2]: Luna JSP (Java)
      • [3]: Luna JCProv (Java)
      • [B|b]: Back to Products selection
      • [I|i]: Install
      • [Q|q]: Quit
      Enter selection: i, then enter selection Q.
      Enter selection: 1,2,and 3 then type i.
  5. Navigate to the Luna SA command directory.
    cd /usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin
    You should see the following:


    ckdemo cmu common configurator lunacm multitoken openssl.cnf plink pscp

    salogin vtl
  6. Add a user to the hsmusers group.
    sudo gpasswd --add kms hsmusers
  7. Copy the Luna appliance server certificate to the client.
    scp admin@<LunaBoxHostname>:server.pem
     scp . 
    (grant permission chmod 777 and chown kms:kms)
    The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
    ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:Lz36zjWHh3BMtI9TVHUBGoHffxgA6azFtPSGRBCkiYU.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    Warning: Permanently added ',' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.'s password:  SafeNetPSG95 (given by the luna hsm team)
      press enter
    server.pem                                       100% 1155      1.1KB/s             00:00 
  8. Confirm that server.pem is added to the client.
    ckdemo cmu common configurator lunacm multitoken openssl.cnf plink pscp salogin server.pem vtl
    server.pem is added
  9. As the KMS user, register the server with the client.
    su -l kms
    ./vtl addServer -n <LunaBoxHostname> -c server.pem
     ./vtl addserver -n -c server.pem                    
    vtl (64-bit) v7.3.0-165. Copyright (c) 2018 SafeNet. All rights reserved.
    New server successfully added to server list.
  10. Generate a client certificate.
    ./vtl  createCert -n  <ClientHostname>
     ./vtl createcert -n e02paruser115                    
    vtl (64-bit) v7.3.0-165. Copyright (c) 2018 SafeNet. All rights reserved.
    Private Key created and written to: /usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/client/e02paruser115Key.pem. Certificate created and written to: /usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/client/e02paruser115.pem .

    (grant permission chmod 777 and chown kms:kms)

  11. Copy the client certificate to the server.
    scp /usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/client/<ClientHostname>.pem admin@<LunaBoxHostname>:
    scp /usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/client/e02paruser115.pem's password: SafeNetPSG95
    e02paruser115.pem                                                  100% 1172   201.7KB/s   00:00                     
  12. Login to luna hsm.
    ssh admin@<lunaboxhostname>
    ssh's password: SafeNetPSG95
    Last login: Fri Jul 19 03:59:38 2019 from
    Luna Network HSM Command Line Shell v7.3.0-165.
    Copyright (c) 2018 SafeNet. All rights reserved.
    [elab2] lunash:>                    
  13. Register the client with the server, then assign the client to a server partition.
    lunash:> client register -client <ClientHostname> -hostname <ClientHostname>
    client register -client e02paruser115 -hostname e02paruser115                    
  14. Check the existing partitions.
    lunash:> partition list
    lunash:> partition list
                            Storage (bytes)
                            Partition            Name                   Objects   Total    Used    Free
                            1254277068838        elab2par058                  0  325896       0  325896
  15. Assign client to the partition.
    lunash:> client assignPartition -client <ClientHostname> -partition <GatewayPartition>
    lunash:> client assignPartition -client e02paruser115 -partition elab2par058                    
  16. client show -client e02paruser115
    ClientID:     e02paruser115
    Hostname:     e02paruser115
    Partitions:   "elab2par058"                    
  17. Log out from the Luna HSM.
    lunash:> exit
  18. Set the read permissions for the certificate files in the following directories.
    chmod a+r /usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/server/*.pem
    chmod a+r /usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/client/*.pem
    (grant permission chmod 777 and chown kms:kms to above .pem files)                  
  19. Verify that the client is connected to its assigned partition.
    cd /usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin/
    ./vtl verify
    [root@os-mv-711-1 bin]# ./vtl verify
    vtl (64-bit) v7.3.0-165. Copyright (c) 2018 SafeNet. All rights reserved.
    The following Luna SA Slots/Partitions were found:
    Slot            Serial #                   Label
    0                1254277068842             elab2par115
  20. ./lunacm
    [root@os-mv-711-1 bin]# ./lunacm
    lunacm (64-bit) v7.3.0-165. Copyright (c) 2018 SafeNet. All rights reserved.
    Available HSMs:
    Slot ID ->           0
    Label ->             elab2par115
    Serial # ->          1254277068842
    Model ->             LunaSA 7.3.0
    Firmware version ->  7.3.0
    Configuration ->     Luna User Partition with SD (PW) Key Export with Cleaning Mode
    Slot Description ->  Net Token Slot
    Current Slot ID:  0
  21. role login -n co
    enter password: hanuman123
  22. par con

    If Master Key RangerKMSKey exists, then the following will be visible:

    lunacm:>par con
        The 'Crypto Officer' is currently logged in. 
        Looking for objects accessible to the 'Crypto Officer'.
        Object List:
        Label:             RangerKMSKey
        Handle:            131 
        Object Type:       Symmentric Key
        Object UID:        ba8e00002e00000554380800
        Number of Objects: 1    
    Command Result: No Error
    lunacm:>par con
        The 'Crypto Officer' is currently logged in. 
        Looking for objects accessible to the 'Crypto Officer'.
        No objects viewable to 'Crypto Officer' are currently stored in the partition.
    Command Result: No Error
  23. Navigate to the following directory on the Gateway.
    # cd /usr/safenet/lunaclient/jsp/lib/
    (grant permission chmod 777 and chown kms:kms to all the at this location)                
  24. Copy the Luna .JAR files over to the Gateway.
    cp Luna*.jar {JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/ext/
    cp Luna*.jar /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_232-cloudera/jre/lib/ext
  25. Set the file permissions for the JDK library as follows:
    chmod a+r {JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/
    chmod a+r /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_232-cloudera/jre/lib/
  26. Open the following file in a text editor:
    vim {JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security/
    vim /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_232-cloudera/jre/lib/security/
    1. Add these two lines:
    replacing the line highlighted below:
    Java SDK/JRE 1.6.x or 1.7.x installation to read as follows: 
  27. Set the file permissions for the Luna client as follows:
    chmod -R 777 /usr/safenet
    chown kms:kms                

Set KMS Configuration Properties.

  1. In Cloudera Manager > Ranger KMS > Configs edit the following properties:
    ranger.ks.hsm.type = LunaProvider
    ranger.ks.hsm.enabled = true
    (CM-7.1.1 & CM-7.1.2 password will be in plain text)
    Figure 1. Adding Ranger KMS Configuration for Luna 7 HSM
    Adding Ranger KMS Confiuration for Luna 7 HSM
  2. Restart Ranger KMS from Cloudera Manager.
  3. Login to Luna client and validate whether the master key is successfully created.
    cd /usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin/
    role login -n co
    enter password: hanuman123
    par con
    lunacm:>par con
        The 'Crypto Officer' is currently logged in. 
        Looking for objects accessible to the 'Crypto Officer'.
        Object List:
        Label:             RangerKMSKey
        Handle:            131 
        Object Type:       Symmentric Key
        Object UID:        ba8e00002e00000554380800
        Number of Objects: 1    
    Command Result: No Error

Ranger KMS is successfully started.

You can now create Encryption zone keys using hadoop command or from Ranger UI using credentials of keyadmin user.