Configure Ranger Admin High Availability

How to configure Ranger Admin High Availability (HA) by adding additional Ranger Admin role instances.

  1. In Cloudera Manager, select Ranger, then select Actions > Add Role Instances.
  2. On the Add Role Instances page, click Select hosts.
  3. On the selected hosts page, the primary Ranger Admin host is selected by default. Select a backup Ranger host. A Ranger Admin (RA) icon appears in the Added Roles column for the selected backup host. Click OK to continue.
  4. The Add Role Instances page is redisplayed with the new backup host. Click Continue.
  5. Review the settings on the Review Changes page, then click Continue.
  6. Restart the stale Ranger configuration, then click Finish.
  7. After restart you will see two URLs for the Ranger Admin Web UI.
    • Requests are distributed to the multiple Ranger Admin instances in a round-robin fashion.
    • If a connection is refused (indicating a failure), requests are automatically rerouted to the alternate Ranger Admin instance. However, you must manually switch to the alternate Ranger Admin Web UI.
    • For all services that have the Ranger plugin enabled, the value of the ranger.plugin.<service> property changes to http://<RANGER-ADMIN-1>:6080,http://<RANGER-ADMIN-2>:6080.