Analyzing Ranger RMS resources

You can use the tools described in this topic to analyze Ranger RMS issues.

In CDP 7.1.7 Ranger RMS installations, we have observed numerous identical resource-signatures with different IDs for a single Hive resource due to which evaluation of access policies can be slow. This topic provides a tool set you can use to analyze the database as well as the resource-mapping cache (.json) file to help identify resource data if such a problem exists. This tool set can also help determine whether the source of such duplicate entries is:
  • incorrect entries in the Ranger database tables,
  • incorrect in-memory cache in Ranger RMS server, or
  • incorrect processing of resource-mapping deltas on the plugin side.
  1. The resource_mapping.json file can be located in the active NameNode host at /var/lib/ranger/hdfs/policy-cache/hdfs_cm_hive_resource_mapping.json path. To find duplicate resource-signatures in resource-mapping.json file:
    1. Update the json file in readable format
      python -m json.tool hdfs_cm_hive_resource_mapping.json > pretty_resource_mapping.json
    2. To find duplicate entries, use the following grep command:
      grep -o -E 'resourceSignature.*,' pretty_resource_mapping.json | sort | uniq -c | grep -v '1 resourceSignature' > outputFile.txt 
  2. To find duplicate resource-signature entries in x_rms_service_resource table,
    1. Connect to Ranger database.
      To check configured database; go to Cloudera Manager > Ranger > Configuration > Database.
      use either of the following queries:
      select resource_signature, COUNT(resource_signature) from 
      group by resource_signature HAVING COUNT(resource_signature) > 1;
      SELECT, a.service_resource_elements_text, 
      a.resource_signature from x_rms_service_resource a where 
      a.resource_signature in
      (select resource_signature from x_rms_service_resource
      group by resource_signature HAVING COUNT(resource_signature) > 
      1) ORDER BY a.resource_signature;
  3. To find total count of duplicate entries,
    1. use the following query:
      select sum(occurrences) as total_occurrences from (select 
      resource_signature, COUNT(resource_signature) as occurrences 
      from x_rms_service_resource
      group by resource_signature HAVING COUNT(resource_signature) > 1) tbl1;