Configuring the service role target cluster
The Streams Replication Manager Service role's target cluster is the cluster from which metrics are gathered and exposed. Multiple targets can be configured for each instance of the service with the Streams Replication Manager Service Target Cluster property. Configuration is mandatory.
The Streams Replication Manager Service role consists of a REST API and a Kafka Streams application that aggregates and exposes cluster, topic, and consumer group metrics. With the help of these metrics, users can monitor replications. The service can be installed on one or more hosts per cluster.
Each instance of the service is associated with at least one target cluster. The target is the cluster that the service gathers and exposes metrics from. Each instance of the service can have multiple targets. As a result, it is possible to use a single instance of the Service role to target and monitor multiple clusters.
Service role target clusters are configured with the Streams Replication Manager Service Target Cluster property. The property accepts any cluster alias that is specified in Streams Replication Manager Cluster alias as long as data is being replicated to that cluster. Configuring at least a single service target is mandatory.