Moving highly available NameNode, failover controller, and JournalNode roles using the Migrate Roles wizard
The Migrate Roles wizard allows you to move roles of a highly available HDFS service from one host to another. You can use it to move NameNode, JournalNode, and Failover Controller roles.
- This procedure requires cluster downtime, not a shutdown. The services discussed in this list must be running for the migration to complete.
- The configuration of HDFS and services that depend on it must be valid.
- The destination host must be commissioned and healthy.
- The NameNode must be highly available using quorum-based storage.
- HDFS automatic failover must be enabled, and the cluster must have a running ZooKeeper service.
- If a Hue service is present in the cluster, its HDFS Web Interface Role property must refer to an HttpFS role, not to a NameNode role.
- A majority of configured JournalNode roles must be running.
- The Failover Controller role that is not located on the source host must be running.
- On hosts running active and standby NameNodes, back up the data directories.
- On hosts running JournalNodes, back up the JournalNode edits directory.
- If the source host is not functioning properly, or is not reliably reachable, decommission the host.
- If CDP and HDFS metadata was recently upgraded, and the metadata upgrade was not finalized, finalize the metadata upgrade.
- Ensure all Kerberos principals for old and new hosts are available before launching the wizard. If the Kerberos principals are missing, you have to start over the wizard from the beginning after fixing the Kerberos issue. Currently, there are no prechecks available for this HDFS role migration wizard tool.
- Go to the Hive service.
- Stop the Hive service.
- Select .
- If you have an Impala service, restart the Impala service or run an INVALIDATE METADATA query.