Syslog UDP Source connector

The Syslog UDP Source connector is a Stateless NiFi dataflow developed by Cloudera that is running in the Kafka Connect framework. Learn about the connector, its properties, and configuration.

The Syslog UDP Source connector listens on a port for syslog messages over UDP and transfers them to Kafka. The connector accepts messages in one of the following formats: Syslog 3164, Syslog 5424, or Grok. If the input messages are in Grok format, the connector can either derive the schema using the field names from the value of the Grok Expression property or read the schema from Schema Registry.

The connector can write messages into Kafka in one of the following formats: Avro, JSON, or text. If the output format is text, the raw message is transferred to Kafka. If the output format is JSON, the input message is processed and converted into JSON format before it is transferred to Kafka. If the output format is Avro, the input message is processed and converted into Avro format before it is transferred to Kafka. How the record schema is attached to these Avro messages depends on the value of the Avro Schema Write Strategy property.

If Schema Registry is used, and it is on a Kerberized cluster, the krb5.file property must point to the krb5.conf file that provides access to the cluster on which Schema Registry is present. This means that the krb5.conf file must be on the same cluster node that the connector runs on.

The Kerberos keytab that is used to access Schema Registry must also be on the same cluster node that the connector runs on. The connection to Schema Registry can be secured by TLS. The truststore file necessary for securing the connection must also be on the same cluster node that the connector runs on.

Properties and configuration

Configuration is passed to the connector in a JSON file during creation. The properties of the connector can be categorized into three groups. These are as follows:

Common connector properties
These are the properties of the Kafka Connect framework that are accepted by all connectors. For a comprehensive list of these properties, see the Apache Kafka documentation.
Stateless NiFi Source properties
These are the properties that are specific to the Stateless NiFi Source connector. All Stateless NiFi Source connectors share and accept these properties. For a comprehensive list of these properties, see the Stateless NiFi Source property reference.
Connector/dataflow-specific properties
These properties are unique to this specific connector. Or to be more precise, unique to the dataflow running within the connector. These properties use the following prefix:
parameter.[***CONNECTOR NAME***] Parameters:
For a comprehensive list of these properties, see the Syslog UDP Source properties reference.

Notes and limitations

  • Required properties must be assigned a valid value even if they are not used in the particular configuration. If a required property is not used, either leave its default value, or completely remove the property from the configuration JSON.
  • If a property that has a default value is completely removed from the configuration JSON, the system uses the default value.
  • Properties not marked as required must be completely removed from the configuration JSON if not set.
  • The Schema Registry URL property is mandatory even if Schema Registry is not used. If Schema Registry is not used, use the default value, or completely remove the property from the configuration JSON.
  • Schemas are only read from Schema Registry if Input Data Format is set to GROK and Schema Access Strategy is set to Schema Registry.
  • If Output Format is AVRO, the schema of the records can be embedded in the output data. Whether the schema is embedded is determined by the Avro Schema Write Strategy property.
  • Schema Branch and Schema Version can not be specified at the same time.

Configuration example

In this example, the connector receives data in Syslog 3164 format and transfers it to Kafka in JSON format.
 "connector.class": "org.apache.nifi.kafka.connect.StatelessNiFiSourceConnector",
 "": "Syslog UDP Source",
 "meta.smm.predefined.flow.version": "1.0.0",
 "key.converter": "",
 "value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.converters.ByteArrayConverter",
 "tasks.max": "1",
 "nexus.url": "",
 "": "/tmp/nifi-stateless-extensions",
 "": "/tmp/nifi-stateless-working",
 "topics": "[***KAFKA TOPIC NAME***]",
 "parameter.Syslog UDP Source Parameters:Port": "[***PORT***]",
 "parameter.Syslog UDP Source Parameters:Input Data Format": "Syslog 3164",
 "parameter.Syslog UDP Source Parameters:Output Format": "JSON",
 "parameter.Syslog UDP Source Parameters:Output Grouping for JSON": "output-oneline"
The following list collects the properties from the configuration example that must be customized for this use case.
The name of the Kafka topic that the connector sends messages to.
The port that the connector listens on for incoming messages.
Input Data Format
Determines what format incoming messages are expected in.
Output Format
Determines the format in which messages are transferred to Kafka.