Apache Knox Overview Dynamically Generating Knox Topology FilesTopology files can be dynamically generated from combinations of Provider Configurations and Descriptors, which can be defined using the Knox Admin UI.Securing Access to Hadoop Cluster: Apache KnoxThe Apache Knox Gateway (“Knox”) is a system to extend the reach of Apache™ Hadoop® services to users outside of a Hadoop cluster without reducing Hadoop Security. Knox also simplifies Hadoop security for users who access the cluster data and execute jobs. The Knox Gateway is designed as a reverse proxy.Apache Knox Gateway OverviewA conceptual overview of the Apache Knox Gateway, a reverse proxy.Knox Supported Services MatrixA support matrix showing which services Apache Knox supports for Proxy and SSO, for both Kerberized and Non-Kerberized clusters.Knox Topology Management in Cloudera ManagerIn CDP Private Cloud, you can manage Apache Knox topologies via Cloudera Manager using cdp-proxy and cdp-proxy-api. Considerations for KnoxLearn about the considerations before you get started with Knox.