Platform and OS
The listed Operating Systems and databases are deprecated or removed from the Cloudera Manager 7.11.3 Cumulative hotfix 7 release.
Database Support:
The following databases are deprecated from the Cloudera Manager 7.11.3 CHF7 release:
- PostgreSQL 12
- MariaDB 10.4
- MySQL 5.7
The following databases are removed and no longer supported from the Cloudera Manager
7.11.3 CHF7 release:
- PostgreSQL 11
Operating System
The following operating systems are deprecated from the Cloudera Manager 7.11.3 CHF7 release:
- RHEL 8.6
- RHEL 7.9
- RHEL 7.9 (FIPS)
- CentOS 7.9
- SLES 12 SP5