Sending Diagnostic Data to Cloudera for YARN Applications

You can send diagnostic data collected from YARN applications, including metadata, configurations, and log data, to Cloudera Support for analysis. Include a support ticket number if one exists to enable Cloudera Support to address the issue more quickly and efficiently.

Minimum Required Role: Cluster Administrator (also provided by Full Administrator)

  1. From the YARN page in Cloudera Manager, click the Applications menu.
  2. Collect diagnostics data. There are two ways to do this:
    • To collect data from all applications that are visible in the list, click the top Collect Diagnostics Data button on the upper right, above the list of YARN applications.
    • To collect data from only one specific application, click the down arrow on the right-hand end of the row of the application and select Collect Diagnostics Data.

  3. In the Send YARN Applications Diagnostic Data dialog box, provide the following information:
    • If applicable, the Cloudera Support ticket number of the issue being experienced on the cluster.
    • Optionally, add a comment to help the support team understand the issue.
  4. Click the checkbox Send Diagnostic Data to Cloudera.
  5. Click the button Collect and Send Diagnostic Data.